Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes


As someone who mostly plays Weather or HO, I wanted to try something else for a change. I decided to build a team around Specs Kyurem, showcasing its incredible firepower. The team has many pivoting options, to get the upper hand and force Pokemon out for a free Ice Beam or Focus Blast from Kyurem.

Teambuilding Process

Of course, my first member was Kyurem. The team is built around getting free switch ins to let Kyurem get in and click buttons.

Next, I added Heatran. Heatran can trap and remove defensive Pokemon like Blissey and Galarian Slowking that can wall Kyurem. Kyurem also appreciates Heatrans ability to take down Steel types that can threaten to kill it.

To keep hazards away, I picked Corviknight. Corviknight can switch into the Ground types that like to come in on Heatran and pivot out. Corviknight is invaluable as a defogger since Kyurem is weak to Stealth Rocks.

Tapu Koko is a great offensive pivot that can threaten common flying and dragon types, as well as lure in Ground types for Kyurem to kill.

The next mon on my team is Rillaboom. Rillaboom can also help threaten Water types that threaten Heatran like Urshifu, as well as providing a form of priority to the team.

Lastly, I chose Swampert as my rocker. Swampert can set Stealth Rocks then pivot out with Flip Turn. However, I'm not completely sold on Swampert as the teams rocker so I'm open to suggestions.

Team Details

Kyurem @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Freeze-Dry
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Earth Power

Kyurem is the star of the team, and for good reason. STAB Ice Beam from Modest Specs Kyurem hits like a truck, often OHKOing or doing over half on neutral hits. Freeze-Dry is for Water types, Earth Power hits Fire types and Focus Miss (sometimes) hits Steel types.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 136 SpD / 120 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Toxic

Heatran can trap passive defensive walls that Kyurem struggles with, as well as some Steel types. Magma Storm traps them, while Taunt and Toxic help whittle down trapped foes. Earth Power can hit opposing Heatrans, while 120 Speed EVs lets Heatran outspeed neutral natured Magnezone and Aegislash.

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 168 Def / 92 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Defog
- Roost

Corviknight is a great defogger, and has good defenses backed up by an excellent defensive typing. 92 SpD makes Specs Dragapults Shadow Ball do under half, Brave Bird is good STAB for Grass and Fighting types. I chose Brave Bird over Body Press since it lets Corviknight better check Urshifu.

Tapu Koko @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- U-turn
- Roost

Tapu Koko is a great offensive pivot that can force switches and lure in ground types for other members of the team to finish off. Roost greatly increases Tapu Koko's longevity, while Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam threaten Flying and Dragons respectively.

Rillaboom @ Choice Band
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Grassy Glide
- U-turn
- Knock Off

Banded Rillaboom serves as a powerful priority user, as well as beating bulky Water types that Heatran struggles with. Rillaboom can also lure in Steel types for Heatran to take care of. Wood Hammer is good for raw power on a predicted switch, Knock Off can cripple item reliant Pokemon and U-turn is for pivoting.

Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Flip Turn
- High Horsepower
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic

Swampert is the teams rocker, but as I said above, I'm not completely happy with it. However, it's still a pretty good rocker that can piot well with Flip Turn while putting pokemon on a timer with Toxic. High Horsepower instead of Earthquake to avoid the halved damage of Grassy Terrain.

Closing Note

So, there's the team! I'm somewhat worried about Urshifu, as I don't have a great switch in for it so I have to rely on predicting a Close Combat or Surging Strikes and switching to Tapu Koko or Rillaboom respectively. I had previously used Landorus-T as the rocker, but it didn't really help the Urshifu matchup either.



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