I need this deck by tomorrow.
Pokemon: 24
x4 Poliwag (Unleashed)- Needed for evolution.
x3 Poliwhirl (Unleashed)- Needed for evolution.
x2 Poliwrath (Unleashed)- Dynamic Punch: has the potential to do 100 damage and confuse the opponent. Otherwise, just a regular 60.
x1 Kyurem (Noble Victories)- I wish I had more of these. Outrage is helpful and Glaciate helps damage all my opponents pokemon.
x1 Kyurem EX (Destinies Released)- I wish I had more of these. Hail Blizzard does 120 and then I have to use Frozen wings for 60, but I get to discard a special energy attach to the opponent.
x2 Chinchou (Unleashed)- Needed for evolution.
x1 Lanturn Prime (Unleashed)- Underwater works both ways for me. Could be a electric type, could be a water type. Powerful Spark really adds damage with 40, doing an additional 10 for each energy on my bench. Works well with Eelektrik’s Dynamotor.
x3 Tynamo (Noble Victories)- Needed for evolution.
x2 Eelektrik (Noble Victories)- Dynamotor gets one electric energy out of my discard pile and onto my bench. Works well with Lanturn Prime.
x1 Thundurus (Next Destinies)- Charge powers-up Disaster Volt, which discards the energy, and that is rescued by Dynamotor.
x4 Zekrom (Black&White)- Nice back-up. Bolt Strike is a good move to have.
Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums: 22
x2 Pokemon Catcher- Switches my opponents weaker pokemon in for the kill. Nice advantage.
x4 Eviolite- Reduces damage by 20. Gotta protect those basics.
x4 Pokémon Communication- Switches out cards that I don’t need for cards that I do need.
x2 N- Shuffles my and my opponents hand.
x2 Prof. Oak- Gets new hard. Can be very useful.
x2 Twins- Catches me up when I fall behind.
x2 Pokémon Collector- Gets up to 3 basic pokemon. Great for helping start the game.
x4 Cheren- Draws 3 cards. Nice to have- it comes in handy.
Energy: 14
x2 Double Colorless Energy- Nice boost. Gets 2-for-1.
x6 Electric Energy- Basics of the deck. Powers up. Needed.
x6 Water Energy- Basics of the deck. Powers up. Needed.