Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hazard Company (Clodsire) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water absorb
252 HP, 252 SP Def, 4 Atk
Tera: Fire
Relaxed Nature
Stealth Rocks
Toxic Spikes/Toxic
Mud Slap
Stealth rocks for chip. Toxic spikes for the same thing but I want to know if Toxic is better. Mud slap to lower accuracy and be generally annoying to set up sweepers/baton passers. Earthquake for regular damage. Sitrus and the EV’s for at least Stealth rocks up and a few Mud Slap accuracy drop(Maybe). Tera Fire for countering weaknesses

Hydra (Hydreigon) @ Life Orb
Ability : Levitate
252 SP Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Tera: Ground
Nasty plot
Earth power
Draco meteor
Nasty plot set. Substitute to guarantee a Nasty plot, and Draco meteor = Dragon STAB. In a regular set, Dragon pulse is one of the moves. But here, EARTH POWER is here for the surprise(Technically Draco meteor can be a surprise, but Earth power should be more surprising) Life Orb to pack a punch. Tera Earth to get Earth power STAB & remove Fairy, Fighting, and Bug weakness while getting one(of two) of the best offensive types.

Sylvester (Sylveon) @ Assault vest
Ability: Pixilate.
252 SP Def, 252 SP Atk, 4 HP
Tera: Flying
Calm nature
Hyper voice
Tera blast
Assault vest for bulkiness, Calm nature for extra bulkiness, Tera Flying for Tera blast to turn from Fairy to Flying. Speaking of Tera blast, Hyper voice and Tera blast for some Pixelate magic and Moonblast for some more powerful Fairy STAB. EV spread is simple: specially oriented so Sylveon can live but still retaliate.

SSLLOOWWBBRROO (Slowbro [If you hadn’t guessed]) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Regenerator
252 Def, 252 HP, 4 Atk
Relaxed Nature
Tera: Steel
Slack off
Thunder wave
Surf is STAB, Thunder wave for being annoying, Slack off for healing, Disable for EVEN MORE annoyingness. Tera Steel to cover weaknesses(Both ways!). Regenerator because it’s Regenerator. It heals. For even more emotional damage, Sitrus berry is on Mr. Slow.

Steely Dan (Heatran) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Flame Body
252 SP Atk, 252 HP, 4 Spe
IV: 0 Atk
Modest Nature
Tera: Dark
Heat Wave
Flash Cannon
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Flame Body is for burn, Heat wave for STAB and more chances to burn, Flash cannon is STAB, Dark and Dragon pulse for coverage. Tera Dark for Dark pulse STAB (Hydreigon doesn’t have Dark Pulse). Expert belt for a multiplier on the moves.

ZippyZappyZop (Zapdos-G) @ Roseli Berry
Ability: Defiant
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Jolly Nature
Tera: Fighting
Thundurus Kick
Close Combat
A Roseli Berry neutralizing Fairies. Thunderous Kick is STAB and the Defense drop. Then Close Combat for a higher risk higher reward STAB. Once the Roseli activates, Acrobatics for a no risk, higher reward. U-Turn for pivot. Tera Fighting to drop some weaknesses.

How is the team?

edited by
it says that your sylveon is tera flying, but the description says its tera ground and tera fighting? what is the correct tera type on sylveon?
i will fix that but the tera is flying
I also don't know if Heatran should have Flash Fire or Flame Body, or which berry Zapdos should have

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