Weather Crashing Bird Duo
Starring a llama and a Dragon!

This RMT can be rated if anyone has any good advice for me, but I wanted to post this as an example RMT for the sake of poor National Dex Ubers and the RMTs it gets. I’ve peaked at 1669 with this team and have broken the Top 100. I’m not for sure exactly how impressive that is, but I think it’s something. So here to the team:
The Team:

Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Heat Crash
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Tail
- Precipice Blades
Groudon brings serious firepower to the team while being a solid defensive pivot. This helps the team a lot vs Rayquaza and Zygrade and fast Groudons. With an HP investment, Groudon can survive Percipice Blades from opposing quick Groudons and OHKO them back with the same move. It also helps swapping into a Primal-Kyogre’s Ice Beam, and being hit by a Tera Dark Yveltal’s Dark Pulse, or a Waterfall from Rayquaza. Heat Crash is a generally great move for Groudon due to its weight. The move nicely one shots offensive Yveltals and Mewtwo-Y. Stone Edge keeps Groudon from being stalled out by Toxic Ho-Oh and keeps Primal-Kyogre from freely swapping out to a Flying Mon to avoid Precipice Blades. Dragon Tail punishes set up users such as Rayquaza, Kyerum-B, offensive Arceus forms, Zygrade, and Necrozma-U. Especially nice for those Necrozma-DMs thinking they’ll get a free Dragon Dance / Swords Dance by going Ultra-mode.

Arceus @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Shadow Claw
- Taunt
Arceus nicely revenge-kills anything a Mon may have left alive. On top of that Extreme Killer is a beast in its own right, easily winning games if it gets a free turn. The set is pretty simple. The bulk gives more setup opportunities, while speed mostly doesn’t matter because of Extreme Speed plus Tera Ghost. The Silk Scarf helps revenge-killing. Taunt shuts down status spreaders such as Defensive Primal-Groudon, Ho-Oh, and defensive Arceus forms. If I had a dime every time I blocked a Toxic with this, I wouldn’t be really rich still. Especially helpful shutting down slower Yveltals, Ho-ohs, and Lugias. Swords Dance and Extreme Speed is the E-Killer part. Shadow Claw hits Giratina and Marshadow. Tera Ghost helps against Zacian-C, since sometimes it holds Close Combat, opposing Extreme Killers, and Marshadow. It really is a guessing game with Marshadow though, especially when Marshadow carries Tera Normal.

Yveltal @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Dark Aura
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Taunt
- Roost
- Knock Off
- Foul Play
The Physical Wall. Practically a better Focus Sash Counter Tyranitar. Yveltal serves as a nice defensive pivot for my team. With Foul Play and immense Defensive investment, Yveltal helps get rid of Rayquaza, Necrozma, and my favorite, Zacian-C via a Tera Steel surprise. Taunt allows Yveltal to be my team’s major stall breaker. Yveltal also cripples Marshadow by rendering the Pokémon’s Focus Sash useless via Rocky Helmet. Knock Off assists the team by knocking off opponent’s items. Roost helps Yveltals longevity. Tera Steel is also just a good defensive typing. I did experiment with Tera Dark Dark Pulse, but that didn’t fit my Yveltal that well. The main role for Yveltal is to remove Physical Attackers and break up stall.

Ho-Oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Defog
- Thunder Wave
- Sacred Fire
- Roost
The Special Side, Ho-Oh completes my double bird core. Ho-Oh is my foremost Geomacy Xerneus counter, able to easily tank a +2 Thunder from the deer, and then cripple it back with Thunder Wave. I was using Whirlwind earlier to laugh at Xerneus boosters and Para-shuffle, but I needed a Defogger that wouldn’t get crippled by Stealth Rock, and Yveltal needed the Rocky Helmet and Taunt, so here to Ho-Oh. Thunder Wave helps support my team’s rather low speed tier. Sacred Fire is Ho-Oh’s signature move and has a great burn chance. Roost helps Ho-Oh’s longevity. Tera Water helps check Stone Edge Groudon better. It also emergency checks Primal Kyogre and Thunder Waves should Primal Groudon be KOed.

Kyogre-Primal @ Blue Orb
Ability: Primordial Sea
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Thunder
- Origin Pulse
- Water Spout
Kyogre is the main unit of damage and destroys Flying Mons. Speed investment because this bad whale is carrying Water Sprout. Water Sprout in rain punches holes in about everything. This is a pretty regular Kyogre set. Ice Beam to not be walled by a P-Groudon switch-in and to hit Rayquaza and other Dragons. Thunder to ram Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Yveltal, plus the nice paralysis chance. Origin Pulse once Kyogre gets low in health. Kyogre is probably the best thing for Zygrade on my team because of Ice Beam.

Salamence-Mega @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
Happiness: 0
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Frustration
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
Salamance provides great speed control and is a dangerous win condition. Intimidate provides set up opportunities and usually forces Primal-Groudon out. Dragon Dance is setup. Frustration is Flying STAB after Mega-Evolving, and a move requiring 0 happiness ruins a good amount of Dittos. Dragon Claw is other STAB. Earthquake hits Primal Groudon and Necrozma DM.
Playing Advice
Here’s some suggestions if you use this team for certain relevant Mons.
Against offensive forms, Yveltal should be the answer. Arceus cannot OHKO this set even at +2. If it Swords Dance, Foul Play will do immense damage. Rocky Helmet will help finish the job in killing off Extreme Killer. If Yveltal is gone, Arceus and Primal Groudon can help. Primal Groudon phases off any set up attempts and Tera Ghost Arceus blocks Extreme Killer, gets a free Swords Dance, and can proceed to counter sweep with Extreme Speed.
Against defensive forms, use Ho-Oh to absorb Toxic from Toxic users and Primal Groudon for Thunder Wave users. Don’t allow set up and phase that out. If it’s a non set-up form, use Arceus to wall break via Swords Dance, be aware of Taunt though.
Both forms really like a turn of set up, and usually this is easy to deal with. You can take advantage of set-up reliance with Arceus and Extreme Killer. Groudon also OHKOs Y, and Yveltal can Foul Play X to oblivion.
Yveltal can self destruct this with Tera Steel and Foul Play. Ho-Oh can wall non Wild Charge variants and cripple it with Thunder Wave. Arceus can Tera Ghost to avoid Close Combat and chip it down with a +2 Tera Ghost Shadow Claw.
Just Dragon Tail the life out of it, since most opponents will usually set up too much. Kyogre is also faster and can OHKO with Ice Beam.
Necrozma-U and Necrozma-DM:
Dragon Tail these too. Arceus can rib holes through them at +2, outspeeding DM and being able to Extreme Speed Ultra. If Arceus is in, take advantage of their setup by setting up yourself, although Dragon Dance DM is a riskier. Kyogre can tank an unboosted Light That Burns the Sky and KO a slightly chipped Ultra-Necrozma.
Don’t swap out if your Primal Groudon after the Intimidate. That’s a free turn of setup. Instead Dragon Tail. Guaranteed they will Mega Evolve and you won’t have to deal with Intimidate again, meaning Salamence will be easier to deal with.
Strategically pivot around Yveltal and Primal-Kyogre. This is pretty prediction reliant. Yveltal can also tank Stone Edge pretty well and can Foul Play away. Water Sprout away when Rain is up, and something is getting hurt. Primal Groudon can OHKO offensive forms with P-Blade.
Primal-Groudon can pretty much single-handedly handle Kyogre with Rain up. Also try to out-Thunder with Kyogre. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
This can be dangerous. I’ve said before Ho-Oh can tank +2 attacks from Xerneus, so Thunder Waving via Ho-Oh should be the first answer. If not, spam Thunder with Kyogre hoping for a para. For Tera Electric / Ground, punish it with Groudon / Kyogre respectively. If Geomacy is already up on Tera Xerneus, try revenge killing with Arceus.
Replays: - Here you can see the absolute menace that is Tera Ghost Extreme Killer. - A show of Yveltal’s lethal Foul Play abilities and M-Salamence sweeping power.
So yeah, here’s my NatDex Ubers team. Hope you enjoyed reading and maybe you can come up with a even better version!