Alright let's do this.
Ogerpon-H: Knock Off isn't entirely that useful on Oger, since it's that type of mon that wants to clean a weakened team. With several Knock users on your team, it's unlikely that when Oger needs to clean, the opposing Pokemon has an item. Instead. I recommend Play Rough. Dragon is an extremely problematic matchup for Grass, as they tend to struggle to deal with stuff like Kommo-O. Due to stuff like Rough Skin Rocky Helm Chomp and ESpeed DNite, you shouldn't be fully relying on Meowscarada, either, to clear Dragons out. Ogerpon can help ease the matchup by threatening mons that would otherwise wall it. Since Fire is also quite the issue, Ogerpon can opt to run Stomping Tantrum to hit these mons really hard, especially since Zard X is the preferred Zard Mega, resulting in the only Ground immune mon to be Rotom-H. Last thing, Horn Leech over Power Whip. Whip is gonna hit every time you have room for error and miss on that one crucial turn. Trust me.
Chesnaught: I'll preface this by saying that I admire the creativity. With that being said, let's talk about why this thing is garbage. Grass/Fighting is not a really defensive type, especially with the Monotype setting. Monotype teams want their walls to take on some of that type's weaknesses. Examples include Lando-T on Flying teams for Electric, Heatran on Steel teams for Fire, and Goodra-H on Dragon teams for Fairy. Grass has five weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Flying, Poison, and Bug. The only type the Chesnaught is not weak to is Bug, which, when talking about common moves, limits it to U-Turn and Bug Buzz, the latter even being Special and bypassing the Physical bulk. You know what Grass/Fighting is good for? Offensive purposes!
Lilligant-Hisui @ Wide Lens
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Victory Dance
- Close Combat
- Ice Spinner
- Sleep Powder / Leaf Blade
Wide Lens Hustle makes Lilligant's moves slightly less accurate, but have a considerable damage buff. Sleep Powder is to provide opportunities for setup, however Leaf Blade can be used. The reason Lilligant opts to drop Leaf Blade most of the time is due to its poor offensive matchup along with literally the rest of the team already packing Grass STAB. Ice Spinner is a big wincon against Flying teams, especially with no other SE move on the entire teams.
Rillaboom: Unfortunately, Rillaboom isn't that good on Grass Mono, but even if it is, this set looks BS. From my experience, I can never sweep with Rillaboom, due to its poor speed and STAB Prio only effective for the duration of Grassy Terrain. I've always found more success with a set like Choice Band. Anyways, Boom isn't good in Mono due to the lack of matchups it can put in work. If there's anything Boom is famed for, it's the strong priority in Grassy Glide and the nuke in Wood Hammer, and maybe a strong U-Turn. That, unfortunately, leaves it walled by several common types, like Fire, Steel, and Flying. Even types that don't resist Grass, like Ghost, have means of dealing with Boom, in this case, Dirge. Unlike Oger and Lilli, Boom has no secondary typing to differenciate itself from the rest of the competition. Unlike in OU, it can't rely on type synergy to deal with its checks so it can plow through late-game. So...
Zarude @ Choice Band
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Crunch
- Power Whip
- Drain Punch
Choice Band Zarude! The reason this works better than CB Boom is due to its higher Speed. Base 105 isn't game breaking, but it certainly limits revenge killing opportunities. Imagine Rillaboom uses Wood Hammer to OHKO Toxapex. Great! Until Nihilego comes in and threatens to OHKO with Sludge Wave. Zarude still has that problem, it just isn't as severe as Boom, thus making it a better nuke option.
Meowscarada: Zarude fulfills the role of a Choice Bander, so why not make this Scarf? Meowscarada prides itself on its terrific speed tier, and since relevant faster mons like Zenta and Pult are banned, not even most Scarf mons can outspeed it. Since Booster Energy is also banned, mons like Valiant and Moth are starting to run Scarf more than ever, not to mention the speed boosting threats, such as DD Mons. With Scarf, Meowscarada can deal with them at +1, them finish them off, relieving pressure on your team.
Ferrothorn: Ferro is a great mon, but the set's gotta change a bit. First of all, use a 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD spread to maximize bulk and be able to deal with one of Grass's most dangerous matchups, Ice. In particular, it deals with Choice Band Weavile and SubRoost Kyurem. Secondly, swap out Rocky Helmet for Leftovers. In order to beat multiple threats on the opposing team, Ferrothorn must heal as much as possible. Remember, this is not a Toxapex, you can't just switch it out and heal it. Swap Power Whip with Gyro Ball and Knock Off with Body Press. Again, every other mon already packs Grass STAB, so just drop it and run with the more powerful other STAB. Body Press takes advanatage of Ferrothorn's high defense and puts it to offensive use. Lastly, use a Relaxed nature over Impish. This is to minimize the speed, which in turn maximizes Gyro Ball damage.
Venusaur-M: A 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe spread ensures it will outspeed Adamant Azu, which could otherwise threaten it with a superboosted Ice Spinner (I know there's Thick Fat but still it's +6). A Bold nature makes the most of its Defensive utility, while Leech Seed over Giga Drain increases its longevity. Again, you got several threats already packing Grass STAB, so use this moveslot to enhance your walling power.
Other Notes: Fairy is quite the problematic matchup, as once Venusaur and Ferrothorn is removed, all of a sudden only Oger resist Fairy; everything else is weak to it. When playing Fairy teams, use your defensive mons as much as possible without putting them in range of any strong attacker. When needing to sacrifice, preserve the three fairy resists above all else. In this matchup, Lilligant isn't of much use after Sleeping a mon, so if that condition is met, it will be the first choice for sacrifice. Another problem comes from physical walls. This team has no Special threats (Venusaur doesn't count), so you may want to consider Celebi, a notable threat in its own right to try and break past walls like Avalugg. Here's a set:
Celebi @ Groundium Z
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Fire
- Psychic
Taken from Gen 8 NDMono, this Celebi set prioritizes on removing types that resist Grass, notably Steel and Poison, since Flying and Fire tend to be more offensive and thus frailer. NP is the sole reason to use Celebi, and from there, it's button clicker simulator. Earth Power turned Tectonic Rage is the best move in Celebi's arsenal for Steel, while HP Fire deals with mons like Scizor-M and Corviknight that don't care about Z-Ground. If I have to choose a Pokemon to replace, I'll choose Zarude, as it doesn't offer much in Speed wars while not providing much in the way of cleaning. If you choose to do so, revert back to Choice Band Meowscarada in order to actually some Physical burst damage.
And that's it! Grass can be a hard time to use in NDMono (Or any Mono format, really), but this team will hopefully get you started. Have fun laddering!