Stack’N Hazards

Because of the introduction of Gholdengo and the limited options of hazard removal, Gen 9 has been a hazard mess. I haven’t used this playstyle much and wanted to experiment with it. All help is appreciated.
As hazard stack, I chose Samurott-H to set down the hazards, being one of the best Spike setters in the Meta due to Ceaseless Edge while bringing decent offensive pressure. To keep hazards up, it was pretty obvious I would go with the cheese man, Gholdengo. Since many teams run Heavy-Duty Boots to avoid hazards, I needed a Knocker. I chose Weavile over Meowscarada due to its better matchup to Kingambit. Great Tusk is one of the best Mons in the tier with great physical bulk and reliable hazard removal. Slowking-G was chosen to help with my current team’s weakness to Enamorus and Iron Valiant. Lastly, Ogerpon-W was chosen as a blanket Mon because of her ability to hit a significant portion of the tier hard.
The Team

Kick Bot (Weavile) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Triple Axel
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Low Kick
Weavile makes sure that Boots-Spam will die to hazards. Knock Off removes items and is also STAB. Triple Axel is also STAB and wrecks Gliscor who likes to come in to absorb Knock for its teammates. Swords Dance gives Weavile deadly sweeping potential and makes Kingambit and Raging Bolt think twice before pressing Sucker Punch / Thunderclap. Low Kick is coverage for Kingambit, Excadrill, Samurott-H, and opposing Weaviles. Heavy-Duty Boots allows Weavile to not worry about hazards while swapping in. Tera Ice boosts Triple Axel.

Spike Machine (Samurott-Hisui) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Aqua Cutter
- Flip Turn
- Aqua Jet
Samurott-H fills many roles in one. It acts as my lead, hazard setter, speed control, and revenge-killer. Sharpness boosts Ceaseless Edge and Aqua Cutter. Both are STAB while Ceaseless Edge lays hazards and can’t be bounced away. Flip turn creates momentum should I end up leading against the wrong Mon. Aqua Jet is priority, allowing Samurott-H to revenge kill weakened foes. Tera Water maximizes that power. Choice Scarf allows Samurott-H to serve as speed control.

Cheese Man (Gholdengo) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Make It Rain
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Recover
It’s the funny cheese man himself that keeps hazards down and the reason Corviknight use has plummeted. The EVs are more bulky to lessen the punishment should I predict an attempted Rapid Spin wrong. Air Balloon allows Gholdengo to swap into Tusk more easily while outright walling some Great Tusk sets. This also allows Gholdengo to setup endlessly on Ting-Lu since Gholdengo is immune to Whirlwind. Make it Rain is a powerful STAB where Gholdengo brags about its wealth. This helps the team beat things such as Calm Mind Hatterene and the occasional Garganacl. Nasty Plot for setup. Shadow Ball is also STAB. Recover gives Gholdengo longevity. Tera Fairy gives Gholdengo an extra turn versus stuff like Roaring Moon and Kingambit.

Tusk (Great Tusk) @ Leftovers
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat
- Rapid Spin
There’s a reason about a third of teams use this Mon. Great Tusk is good. Not much to say. Leftovers to give Tusk some recovery. Stealth Rock adds to the hazard stack. Headlong Rush and Close Combat are powerful STABs. Rapid Spin removes hazards and allows Tusk to sweep against a weakened team. Tera Grass allows Tusk to more easily 1 v 1 Meowscarada, Rillaboom, and Ogerpon-Wellspring, while also being an emergency check to Walking Wake.

Oi (Ogerpon-Wellspring) (F) @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance
- Ivy Cudgel
- Horn Leech
Ogerpon-Wellspring hits the Meta extremely hard as of the moment, and helps ease matchups against Mons like Meowscarada, Rillaboom, Barraskewda, and Walking Wake, who all would otherwise eventually break through Great Tusk + Slowking-G. Play Rough hits the many Dragons of this tier hard that resist Ogerpon-W’s STABs. Swords Dance is setup. Ivy Cudgel is STAB and hits this tier like a truck. Horn Leech gives Ogerpon-W longevity.

A Bit Chilly (Slowking-Galar) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder Wave
- Future Sight
- Sludge Wave
- Chilly Reception
Slowking-G gives me a strong Special Defense pivot and can disrupt weather teams via Chilly Reception. Chilly Reception also doubles as a slow pivot move too, allowing me to scout my opponent’s next move and gain recovery through Regenerator. Leftovers help longevity. Thunder Wave brings speed control. Future Sight puts pressure on Mons like Clodsire. Sludge Wave is STAB. Tera Water allows Slowking-G to better check weather teams.
This team is pretty good and fairs well against a variety of play styles. All advice to improve it though is appreciated, such as shoul Tusk run Temper Flare over Stealth Rocks for Gholdengo? Should Thunder Wave be dropped for Toxic / Toxic Spikes on Slowking-G? Should Slowking-G have Ice Beam or Fire Blast over Sludge Wave for coverage against Gliscor / Gholdengo. Hope you enjoyed reading!