Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey! I’m kinda in a hurry, as I need rating for a in a few days, but here’s a Mono Dark team! For Gen 9 Monotype format!

PokePaste: https://pokepast.es/2aacf8e8ef079c07

Meowscarada is the typical set. It has the strong Band, with Flower Trick, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, and Traxel (my name for Triple Axel). Flower Trick is nice STAB, Knock Off is strong Dark STAB + Item removal, Sucker Punch is priority for faster threats, and Traxel is… well, Traxel. We all know what Traxel does >:) It’s EVs and Nature are to maximize Speed and give it a big Attack, as well as a little into Sp. Def. As well as Protean for consistent STAB, it’s pretty strong! A must have on any team!
Greninja-Bond I was dubious of at first, but it’s become a must-have. If used at an opportune time, a priority Water Shuriken with Dice can be crazy and get a KO, activating Battle Bond giving it +1 Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed. It also has Dark Pulse for strong STAB, and Ice Beam and Sludge Wave for coverage. It’s EVs and Nature are to maximize Speed and give it really high Sp. Atk, as well as some Defense
Kingambit is a really good revenge killer. With Supreme Overlord giving it 1.1x damage per fainted Pokémon up to a total of 1.5x, it’s really OP. I opted for Sucker Punch for priority, Brick Break for really nice coverage + screen breaking, Iron Head for STAB, and Swords Dance for setup. It also has a Lum Berry to get rid of statuses that would just straight up murder it. It’s EVs and Nature are interesting. It has max Attack, and 252 Sp. Def EVs, as well as 4 Speed EVs to outspeed other Gambit. On the 252 Sp. Def, that’s for survivability. Since it’s Sp. Def is much lower than it’s Defense, it’s nice to have that survivability. Really clutch at times. It’s also my resident Fairy killer
Samurott-Hisui is a really OP Pokémon. It has Ceaseless Edge for setup if I need it and really strong STAB, Flip Turn for momentum + scouting, Razor Shell for strong STAB, and Sacred Sword for Sharpness boosted coverage. It’s really OP because it’s Scarf gives it a really nice 442 Speed, and Sharpness boosts the power of Ceaseless Edge, Razor Shell, and Brick Break by 1.5x. It’s EVs and Nature are to help outspeed opponents and deal a lot of damage, as well as some Sp. Def
Weavile was another dubious Pokémon that turned out a godsend. It’s Traxel is really strong STAB, Knock Off for strong STAB + Item Removal, Swords Dance for setup, and Poison Jab for coverage + Fairy killing. It also has Sash because it’s defenses are frail and Pressure because it has no better abilities :p It’s EVs and Nature is to have max Speed and good Attack, plus a tiny bit in Defense bc why not lol
Darkrai is a really strong Special Attacker. Psychic deals with Fighting types, Ice Beam and Focus Blast have good coverage, and Dark Pulse deals a lot of STAB damage. Specs just boosts it’s Sp. Atk even higher, and Bad Dreams because it also has no better abilities :p It’s EVs and Nature are for max Speed and strong Sp. Atk, as well as a little Sp. Def

Please help me make this team better! Please and thank you!

What if I end up facing you in that tournament? Will I regret the advice I give?
Some things that I see:
- Meowscarada uses Choice Scarf instead of Choice Band. Choice Scarf Meowscarada provides valuable speed control for the team.
- Greninja doesn't use Battle Bond on Dark teams. Greninja uses a Choice Specs set with Protean to take advantage of its colorful coverage moves to be a good special attacker for Dark teams.
- Kotow Cleave > Brick Break on Kingambit, as Kingambit's STAB moves is really all it needs for Dark teams, being ridiculously powerful with the Supreme Overlord and Swords Dance boosts. Kingambit also wants Leftovers for a little HP recovery. Also, 4 Speed EVs isn't enough to outspeed opposing Kingambit since they run enough speed for Corviknight, which is 140 Speed EVs lol. Run 144 or 148 Speed EVs of you want to outspeed opposing Kingambit.
- Weavile isn't good in Monotype, use Chien-Pao since that Pokemon is Weavile but better.
- Not sure how I feel about Hisuian Samurott and Darkrai... Hamurott could do a Swords Dance set, but not sure about Darkrai since it isn't exactly used much on Dark teams.
Zamazenta bulldozes through this team.

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