Pokémon Rate My Team
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I recently got into competitive TCG Pocket and tried building a deck around the Primeape strategy that revolves around the event Mankey. If there is any issue with the formatting of the question let me know, this is my first time (and probably first on this site in a while) writing an RMT for TCG.

Energy: Fighting

Cubone - Genetic Apex A1, 151
2x Hitmonlee - Genetic Apex A1, 154
2x Mankey - PROMO-A, 017
Primeape - Genetic Apex A1, 142
Cubone - Genetic Apex A1, 239
2x Marowak EX - Genetic Apex A1, 264
2x Farfetch'd - Genetic Apex A1, 198

2x Potion - PROMO-A, 001
X Speed - PROMO-A, 002
2x Poké Ball - PROMO-A, 005

2x Professor's Research Professor Oak - PROMO-A, 007
Sabrina - Genetic Apex A1, 225

(Note the two Cubones function the same, one is just a full art, but I don't know if I should count them seperately or not)

The strategy revolves around two evolutionary lines, Primeape and Marowak EX. Primeape's Fight Back does increased damage if it has taken damage, so pairing it with the event exclusive Mankey (whose move has 10 recoil) allows it to easily get the boosted move. Two energy for a 100 base power move on a non-EX Pokemon makes Primeape a formidable Pokemon especially in the early game, allowing Marowak EX in the back to set up.

Marowak's Bonemerang is inconsistent, but I feel like the 160 maximum base power is enough to compensate for it, being able to threaten Pokemon like Dragonite, Moltres EX, and Starmie EX. 140 HP is also enough to live one hit at least, and after that the odds of 2HKOing anything with Bonemerang is decently high.

Farfetch'd is a great Pokemon to throw out in the early game, having a low retreat cost as well as consistent damage against most Basic Pokemon. The same goes for Hitmonlee, a more late-game Pokemon that can be switched in and KO something on the bench should it be at low HP, like a Moltres tanking hits to Inferno Dance.

For items and supporters, two Potions gives both Primeape more survivability (it is only 90 HP after all), and gives Marowak more chances to spam Bonemerang. Two Pokeballs and two Professor's Research are nigh essential in my opinion, as the main damage output of this deck comprises of two Stage 1s that need to be drawn first. Sabrina offers some counterplay tactics, mainly switching out a Pokemon with a lot of energy attached to something else, and X Speed allows me to save one energy while switching out a Farfetch'd or Hitmonlee, both of which only have a retreat cost of one energy.

This is a more risky team, but due to the low energy cost of the Pokemon's attacks, I think it can easily win an early game while a deck more geared towards setup, like Moltres + Charizard, may not have enough time to prepare everything.

(and ofc I doubt any active users play TCG Pocket but hey you're free to surprise me :) )

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Little late writing this, but you could potentially run a Marshadow from Mythical Beach over Farfetch'd if you have it now, as it can function as a revenge killer and can scare people out of KOing your active if you have it ready. You could also run the new Primeape from Mythical Island if you want to have more accessible early pressure when you go first, as it does 50 damage (only costing one energy) by your turn two. Just wanted to add that Hitmonlee can also take more of an early role, with Gyarados ex becoming more common and both Magikarp's having 30 HP, exactly in the range to be bench sniped. Take my advice with a grain of salt, as I'm not the most competitive player out there.

1 Answer

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Best answer

This is a good deck but I think that you should remove the 2 Farfetch'd cards for Sandshrew and Sandslash from the Genetic Apex expansions. The reason why is because they are both strong and easy to set up with only 2 fighting energies needed to hit for 70 damage. Marshadow is also a great idea too (good idea, PeeKayFreeze) as Farfetch'd has the problem that if you are facing an electric type deck (common with the presence of Pikachu EX), Farfetch'd is a weak link that can be KO'ed easily, basically giving the opponent two free points. I am also not that much of a competitive player either, but I hope my advice helped! Usually when I make a fighting type deck I use Machamp EX, as Machamp EX's damage is consistant compared to Marowak EX's coin flip chance. Again though, I am also not that much of a competitive player, so you don't really have to take my advice if you feel your deck is already good enough.


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thanks man, been some time since I used this Primeape deck as I've started using Marowak ex + Machamp ex more, but I'll consider your suggestions and see where that gets me