Leftovers or shed skin are the only items usable on this guy really.
Use sturdy it needs to suvive special hits and run 252hp 252def 4spdef or 252hp 248spdef 8speed (8 speed is so you can outspeed opposing skarmorys so you dont get blown away)
Run Impish or Carefull.
Moves are good.
Run 252hp and spread the rest between def and atk though more in def maybe 200def and 56atk.
Use adamant or impish.
Nice moves though you could alternativly try curse and ice fang.
I used a similar set with good sucsess nice to see you are taking advantage of rain though i had problems that it was killed by pysical attacks so try 252def and bold.
Use poison heal and toxic orb, hyper cutter is a waste also sand veil is viable but the 1/8 healing a turn is good.
@toxic orb
252hp then mix between def and attack give it enough speed so that its 240.
-swords dance/toxic
-ice fang
The 240 speed allows you to outspeed technition breloom and its bullet seeds.
Also takes advantage of heatrans unfortunate speed.
ice fang is nice coverage and protect is free healing and stalling while they take sand and possible poison damage.
Ok run these, then decide which is best.
@Life orb
252speed 252spatk 4hp
-shadow ball
-focus blast
-hp fire
252hp/spatk 252speed
-shadow ball
-focus blast
Set 1: Offencive set probably most used, hidden power fire lets you hit ferrothorn, forretress and scizors on predicted switch ins.
Focus blast provides coverage and shadow ball is your stab.
Thunderbolt hits rain teams.
Set 2: Sub disable set is not as common but is great paired with its high speed.
Defintly worth trying.
Its fun to use and the idea is to disable multiple moves, leaving them crippled.
I battled this team and he does not really fit in try this guy.
@leftovers/life orb
4hp 252spatk 252speed
-ice beam/recover/rapid spin
This set will fit very well in your team.
It provides great synergy with hippowdon.
Your team and the hippo (who is needed) has an ice weakness so starmie resists it and also hits water types hard who are the culperates who usually carry ice moves.
Hippowdon takes no damage from moves starmies weak to and can stop volt turn chains.