You wanted someone to rate.... so.... here....we....go!
Hippowdon is great, just a suggestion:
Sometimes, people start off with Skarmory as their lead. And Skarmory totally ruins this guy xP The only thing you can do it to set up Rocks, and Skarmory would have set up too, along with some Spikes. So maybe switch Earthquake with Rock Slide or something? Not needed, just a suggestion.
Other than that, Hippowdon is great.
Scizor is also great. Be wary of Fire moves.
Try switching Superpower for Quick Attck, which hits lots of Pokemon for neutral damage. Mayve you could fit Roost in there somewhere? Heals damage from Life Orb and other damage from attacks.
One comment. Try our Rock Slide instead of Stone Edge. Better accuracy, you already have a bunch of power. Not needed.
That's all. Terrakion is amazing.
Um...... Lum Berry seems pointless, IMO. Maybe replace it for the handy dandy Expert Belt?Landorus has a great movepool, so Expert Belt fits him.
I would replace Landorus for Mamoswine, no point for Landorus really, Terrakion does everything he does.
Mamoswine @ Life Orb Trait: Thick Fat / EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
Basic Mamoswine set. It's a great counter for Dragon types, especially Dragonite. Ice Shard goes first, hopefully OHKO's Dragonite. If you think you're fast enough, use Icicle Crash for more power. Earthquake for STAB, and Stone Edge is self-explanatory in sand.
Try this EV set: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 SpA
Not needed, just try it out, since protection from special grass type moves is good.
Moeset and stuff is good.
I will replace this, Reuniclus isn't doing your team any favors that I can see.
Tentacruel @ Leftovers / Trait: Clear Body / EVs: 252 HP , 240 Def , 16 Spe / Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Scald/Surf
- Ice Beam
Rapid Spinner. Spins away hazards while setting up Toxic Spikes. Scald or Surf for STAB. Ice Beam as another OK move :D
I know this isn't the longest RMT, but there wasn't much I would change from your team.