Oh I'm having fun. The meta is hazard heavy, and steel types are dominating. The meta is pretty unsettled, with the usage charts seeing massive changes every month. So I've been playing a lot of Randoms recently. Got a peak of 1729. What types did you try out btw?
What else is up?
Feb 5, 2023
With all due respect, sometimes no respect is due
Feb 4, 2023
Thanks man. Anyway, you tried out competitive yet?
Also, that RocketFox issue is getting out of hand. Someone still has to approve all his comments right? Who's doing that? Because all of these site bigwigs are continuously arguing with a clearly immature guy for no reason over a single ingame team. Just what an ego makes people do
Feb 4, 2023
I know it's not a chapter, that was an exaggeration.
Yeah, it's less about WHO their arguing with for me, but rather the fact that they continue arguing, although that's the way I worded it...
And yeah, we should drop it. Although it's certainly easier for some than others...
Feb 4, 2023
Mr. Fish
My mostly full opinions of the Rocketfox situation are on my wall, so won't bother posting here, but am I the only one just purely annoyed by the thing at this point?
"ONG ME SO CORRECT EVEN THO IT HASD ETHORS OPNIONS" Yes, we're making fun of the new users. Hilarious. |=[ But as "funny" as it is, it just isn't helping and is only gonna make things worse. I honestly just want Rocketfox to accept that there is no "best" team, everyone can play the game differently, if someone picks one of the 67-something other teams on the thread instead of theirs, it's ok. Arguing with staff has been useless, just accept that everyone is allowed to have differing opinions, and move tf on so we can close this chapter of the DB already.
Feb 4, 2023
Mr. Fish
OK, I won't be annoying to that guy. I just think this situation is kinda funny, maybe it isn't, but my brain is too small to comprehend that lol
Feb 3, 2023
That's awesome. It's wonderful that schools are actually thinking about the environment. The amount of waste that schools create is staggering, as you said. It's important we all do our bit for the environment.
Thanks a lot man. Exams suck, they truly do.
Feb 2, 2023
What does an "environmentally conscious" school entail? You use paper straws in your cafeterias and use less paper or something?
Nothing's up on my end. I have my annual examinations from tommorow and have been touring the country for a few quizzes. I literally have no time to do anything else
Feb 2, 2023
I mean, even if A-Ninetales comes back, mono-ice ain't gonna get any better.
Anyway, what's up in life?
Feb 1, 2023