Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for loki ron

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Feb 22 by Mahathirio
Aug 12, 2022 by BM™
Hey, would you mind selecting the BA to this question if you like the answer?
Apr 27, 2022 by xPsydxck
Your Shift key finally got repaired! Lesgoooo
Apr 21, 2022 by xPsydxck
Is your Shift key broken?
Dec 26, 2021 by Mr. Fish
Dec 24, 2021 by -Eclipse-
Hey, not to pester or anything, but it'd be really nice if you put just a little more effort on your questions/answers. Proper punctuation helps understand what you're trying to convey better, and it'll help you too, as you'll get better answers/BA's.
While I, and the other Experts/staff, am always there to help and edit your post if it needs some, a but from your side would be appreciated too.
Thanks! :)
Dec 21, 2021 by vydestiny
Just wondering, is there a reason why you never use capitals?
Dec 20, 2021 by MonkeyBusiness
Cruisial is spelled crucial
Dec 20, 2021 by MonkeyBusiness
If I could make a search function that picks out a match no matter what wording you put into the question box, I'd be one of the best paid engineers at Google. (In other words, I can't fix it, sorry.)
Repeat questions are nothing to lose sleep over, by the way. If you just don't want to have your posts closed, you can try a proper search first.
Dec 16, 2021 by Fizz