Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for user74534 (page 2)

poo poo
Dec 13, 2020 by Felix⠀
"Oh boy! This... Is a threat to my life. 'n y'know threats should be eradicated from a person's life. Else it may even kill us. Likewise, a person should avoid everything which's too nasty and evil! Just remember the statue of Three wise Monkeys! "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"."
How is this a threat to your life? And I have had threats and I haven't died.

"Take a look at that mind-blowing users page in this site. How many members are active in this period? You may see a lot of names there. But Look at them closely, you will find that majority of people, more than 80% are...... Gone! Gone to somewhere! What happened to them? Where they're gone?"
They probably became more active in their actual lives. Maybe they were bored of the site. Some of them were most likely banned, but probably not all that much.

"I agree, this site is much prettier and makes us things understand better! But, why? why this site isn't much famous or prominent? Why this site is not so familiar to other people? Take some time to think of it!"
Beats me.

"“Facebook deleted our page for no reason so screw them.”

Well done, Facebook!"
I don't even know what you're talking about.

"And, I'm resigning! Good bye! I wanna find out where PX and Pokemaster lives!"
That doesn't sound creepy at all. Nope not one bit.

Seriously what the heck is up? You seem to be being verrrrrry dramatic to me.
Dec 13, 2020 by Gau
lol nice about me
Dec 11, 2020 by Amethyst
I mean you were the ones who provoked them, the mods were just trying to do their jobs
Dec 11, 2020 by themodernage
”And, a Mod here personally insulted me. They questioned my commonsense (and more)! Honestly, I don't think this is a forum!!!! @$#!“

Dec 11, 2020 by Syl ™
"Well here, first of all, this site is full of problems!"
Not really true, there are problems mods and Pokemaster are always trying to fix. As for the RMT glitch some things either can't be fixed or don't have time to be fixed.

"And, a Mod here personally insulted me. They questioned my commonsense"

You're not telling the full story. You out of the blue provoked HT by saying nonsense such as "he will destroy the site".
Dec 11, 2020 by themodernage
I don’t lnow what majes a site a forum so i can’t help there. If yku don’t mind ny asking which mod? And what “lriblems
?” I lnow of an RMT glitch that allows you to change your name and i know that, because i’m on mobile when i’m here it looks slightly different but i’ve n
Never noticed any problems. I’m not questioning. Yiu just trying to understand. Also if someone is often hurting your deellings let Fizz know i’m syre ge’ll hear both sudea mida aren’t immune to punishment in fact i’d think they were more lijely to be spojen to after all they’re suppised to be role midels right?
And i dunno ud i told yiy this but if you need to vent or rage you can always cone to my wall who knows mayve i can help?

Hope things get better for you :)
Dec 11, 2020 by Dyla N
What’s all this about you hating the sire? What happened? I was just poppin in to ask how you wers but your Gravs gone all ykyr Alphacelstikys info is gone ... hope tkur alright...
Dec 10, 2020 by Dyla N
Why are you on this site if you hate it? I-i don't understand.
Also, the reason why a lot of the people are gone is because:

1. Most of the people just signed up to just ask one question, or just to sign up to forget that this existed;
2. People grow up and get busy with school etc... Pretty sure they have time to waste on elsewhere, especially since the userbase here is filled with kids;
3. Honestly I don't think that it's too much of a stretch that people just aren't into Pokémon anymore.

Also i know you will ignore this message :D
Dec 7, 2020 by Syl ™
but why
Dec 7, 2020 by themodernage