PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Azelfeo (page 38)

What's a hijab? Do you mean the thing that most Muslims have on their head? No. Almost no one does that when they are still a child. And not sure if I'll ever get that :/ Might be hard with my animal research

Although I'm still a pretty hardcore Muslim for a kid
Sep 20, 2018 by Syl ™
Sep 20, 2018 by Syl ™
Ha I'm glad you enjoyed it :]
Sep 20, 2018 by Fizz
Hmmm. I wil see.
Didi you dowload Pokemon Type IWld?
Sep 20, 2018 by stall_fest
Gengar is the best in the game tho
Sep 20, 2018 by stall_fest
Yeah xD why did I made it so hard for myself (for points xD, lol I was so point filthy that time, I even got BA without completing 151 lmao)

And yeah, I saw wallposts about that event, though, I hate free shoiny's. And aDrive hunted it and then you can get it free.
Sep 19, 2018 by Syl ™
I actually was born and live in the US my mom and dad are from India
  2 hours ago by Octazooka

Interesting. So technically you're American (with Indian heritage).

I have that too, live and born in Belgium, mom and dad from Kosova, and their family too.
Sep 19, 2018 by Syl ™
Sep 19, 2018 by Syl ™
Btw, have one or two more latios/latias codes? This guy on the net is giving me good stuff for it

And thanks! You have given me the most anyone has ever given me in Pokemon.
I wanna give you something too. I have several level 100 pokes, I'll show you. Pick some
Sep 19, 2018 by Deathrider
I dowloaded it and now I am trying to figure out how to use the special abilities, like that brelooms seed bomb
Sep 19, 2018 by stall_fest