PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 67)

There's ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan. They live in different places, have different prey, and all that. I know very little about SkyClan (I should really read more).
May 29, 2022 by Gau
Yep. Ah, the joys of self-inserting (also cats).
May 29, 2022 by Gau
You know what'd be funny? If you made a Warriors OC based off of yourself.

I mainly say that because that's what I did. Blazebrook is an orange (and white) she-cat with blue eyes. Not a very detailed description, but she's a work-in-progress. I gave her orange fur because orange fur is sometimes called red, and I have red hair, and I think some people call red hair orange or something, therefore... you know, logic. And blue eyes because obviously. She's bratty, blunt, sarcastic, can't tell if she dislikes or likes her mentor, ends up failing her warrior assessment on the first try, and has a best friend who's in RiverClan (she's a ThunderClan cat).
May 29, 2022 by Gau
"Draco leaned in extra-close and I looked into his gothic red eyes (he was wearing contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn't feel mad anymore."

Wow. Harry Potter fanfiction at its frickin' peak right here.
May 29, 2022 by Gau
About time for what?
May 29, 2022 by anonymous
I can post now!
May 29, 2022 by anonymous

May 28, 2022 by Gau

Acorn, Adder, Alder, Amber, Ant, Apple, Arch, Ash, Aspen
Badger, Bark, Bay, Bee, Beech, Beetle, Berry, Birch, Bird, Black, Blaze, Blizzard, Bloom, Blossom, Blue, Bluebell, Boulder, Bounce, Bracken, Bramble, Breeze, Briar, Bright, Brindle, Bristle, Broken, Brown, Bumble, Buzzard
Cedar, Cherry, Chestnut, Chive, Cinder, Cinnamon, Claw, Cloud, Clover, Cone, Copper, Creek, Cricket, Crooked, Crouch, Crow, Curl, Curly, Cypress
Daisy, Dandelion, Dapple, Dark, Dawn, Dead, Deer, Dew, Doe, Dove, Down, Drift, Duck, Dusk, Dust
Eagle, Ebony, Echo, Eel, Elder, Ember
Fallen, Fallow, Fawn, Feather, Fennel, Fern, Ferret, Fidget, Fin, Finch, Fire, Flail, Flame, Flash, Flax, Fleet, Flicker, Flint, Flip, Flower, Flutter, Fly, Fog, Fox, Freckle, Fringe, Frog, Frond, Frost, Furze, Fuzzy
Golden, Goose, Gorse, Grass, Gravel, Gray, Green, Gull
Hail, Half, Hare, Hatch, Haven, Hawk, Hay, Hazel, Heather, Heavy, Heron, Hickory, Hill, Hollow, Holly, Honey, Hoot, Hop, Hope, Hound
Ice, Ivy
Jagged, Jay, Jump, Juniper
Kestrel, Kink, Kite
Lake, Larch, Lark, Lavender, Leaf, Leopard, Lichen, Light, Lightning, Lily, Lion, Little, Lizard, Log, Long, Lost, Loud, Lynx
Maggot, Mallow, Maple, Marigold, Marsh, Meadow, Midge, Milk, Minnow, Mint, Mist, Mistle, Misty, Mole, Morning, Moss, Mossy, Moth, Mottle, Mouse, Mud, Mumble, Myrtle
Nectar, Needle, Nettle, Newt, Night, Nut
Oak, Oat, Odd, Olive, One, Otter, Owl
Pale, Parsley, Patch, Pear, Pebble, Perch, Petal, Pigeon, Pike, Pine, Plum, Pod, Pool, Poppy, Pounce, Prickle, Primrose, Puddle
Quail, Quick, Quiet
Rabbit, Ragged, Rain, Rat, Raven, Red, Reed, Ripple, Rock, Rook, Root, Rose, Rowan, Rubble, Running, Rush, Russet, Rye
Sage, Sand, Sandy, Scorch, Sedge, Seed, Shade, Sharp, Sheep, Shell, Shimmer, Short, Shred, Shrew, Shy, Silver, Slate, Sleek, Slight, Sloe, Small, Smoke, Snail, Snake, Snap, Sneeze, Snip, Snook, Snow, Soft, Song, Soot, Sorrel, Spark, Sparrow, Speckle, Spider, Spike, Spire, Splash, Spot, Spotted, Squirrel, Stag, Starling, Stem, Stoat, Stone, Stork, Storm, Strike, Stumpy, Sun, Sunny, Swallow, Swamp, Swan, Sweet, Swift
Tall, Talon, Tangle, Tansy, Tawny, Thistle, Thorn, Thrift, Thrush, Tiger, Timber, Tiny, Toad, Torn, Trout, Tulip, Tumble, Turtle, Twig
Vine, Violet, Vixen, Vole
Wasp, Wave, Weasel, Web, Weed, Wet, Whisker, Whistle, White, Whorl, Wild, Willow, Wish, Wolf, Wood, Woolly, Wren
Yarrow, Yellow, Yew


Bark, Beam, Bee, Belly, Berry, Bird, Blaze, Branch, Breeze, Briar, Bright, Brook, Burr, Bush
Claw, Cloud, Crawl, Creek
Dapple, Dawn, Dusk, Dust
Ear, Eye, Eyes
Face, Fall, Fang, Feather, Fern, Fire, Fish, Flake, Flame, Flight, Flower, Foot, Frost, Fur
Hawk, Haze, Heart
Leaf, Leap, Leg, Light
Mask, Mist, Moon, Mouse
Pad, Pelt, Petal, Pool, Poppy, Pounce, Puddle
Scar, Scratch, Seed, Shade, Shine, Sight, Slip, Snout, Snow, Song, Speck, Speckle, Splash, Spot, Spots, Spring, Stalk, Stem, Step, Stone, Storm, Stream, Strike, Stripe, Swoop
Tail, Talon, Thistle, Thorn, Throat, Toe, Tooth, Tuft
Watcher, Water, Whisker, Whisper, Willow, Wind, Wing, Wish
May 28, 2022 by Gau
I don't know why you felt the need to share that with me, but thank you.
May 28, 2022 by KRLW890
I find it mildly eerie how Congo's Caper just got added to the Nintendo Switch Online retro games thingy. I literally decided I'd try to beat that game last night.

Dang Nintendo people being telepathic...
May 27, 2022 by Gau