PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BM™ (page 35)

I fully expected him to have a stick-out chin and a "dur hur im stupdi" facial expression.

In case you were wondering.
Feb 17, 2023 by Gau
Feb 17, 2023 by Gau
Bee Penerator
- Become a Bee Pen -

First name
Use the first letter of your first name.

A - Aee
B - Bee
C - Cee
D - Dee
E - Eee
F - Fee
G - Gee
H - Hee
I - Iee
J - Jee
K - Kee
L - Lee
M - Mee
N - Nee
O - Oee
P - Pee
Q - Qee
R - Ree
S - See
T - Tee
U - Uee
V - Vee
W - Wee
X - Xee
Y - Yee
Z - Zee

Last name
Use the first letter of your last name.

A - Aen
B - Ben
C - Cen
D - Den
E - Een
F - Fen
G - Gen
H - Hen
I - Ien
J - Jen
K - Ken
L - Len
M - Men
N - Nen
O - Oen
P - Pen
Q - Qen
R - Ren
S - Sen
T - Ten
U - Uen
V - Ven
W - Wen
X - Xen
Y - Yen
Z - Zen

Hair color
Who's your favorite Bee Pen Dimension 10 character?

Bee Pen - Black
Pee Ben - Sparkly black
Strawberry Shortcake - Red
Spooky Simp Snake Man - Barf green
Danny Gaumal Phantogre - Blue, green, and Sonic the Hedgehog
Shrew Cart - Tabby
Melony - Lime green with darker green stripes
Neth - Derp
Unnamed starved kid with long fingernails and green hair - Mint green
Evil Motorcycle Lady - Motorcycle brown
Bald Man McGee - Tall brown
Mighty Midget - Pale blue for no apparent reason
Dark Sky - Dark sky
Catherine Mag'enta Alzheimer's Goose Northeast - Flamingo pink
Archibald Benson - Midnight black
Deathberry Bloodcake - Blood red
Bald Man McJunior - Slightly less tall brown
Gothic Fanboy Reptile Guy / Emogo - Lime green with red and black streaks
Bethanyetteianne Kangaroo - Pink

Eye color
What's your favorite Bee Pen Dimension 10 episode?

Pee Ben 10's Legacy - Amber-brown
Battle of the Simps - Dark anime brown
Strawberry Shortcake's Dimension (Part 1) - Red
Strawberry Shortcake's Dimension (Part 2) - Green
A Whole New World - Pink
The Edgy Side of Dimensions - Coal-black
A Hero Is Born - Strawberry
On The Road Again - Eyeless color
Spooky Simp Snake Man's Great Escape (Or Not) - Also pink

Special power
What's your favorite Bee Pen Dimension 10 song?

Bee Pen Dimension 10 theme - Having seizures
Simping in the New World! - Simping
I'm Supersimp, and I Like to Simp a Lot - Also simping
Edgy Death Memories with Deathberry Bloodcake - Simping edgily
Magical Poker Starfish Midgets: The Adventures of Palm Tree Head theme - Being a midget and playing poker

Love interest
Who's your least favorite "villain"/almost "villain"/was temporarily a "villain"/has a "villain" arc that doesn't exist because I'm lazy?

Danny Gaumal Phantogre - You don't want to know, trust me
Shrew Cart - A cosplayer
Neth - Someone who talks like a drunken foreigner
Evil Motorcycle Lady - That one edgelord who hangs out in a gang
Bald Man McGee - Some bald person who looks hideous but you're in love with anyway because you're a simp
Bald Man McJunior - Some short bald person who looks hideous but you're in love with anyway because you're a simp
Spooky Simp Snake Man - An anime character
Feb 16, 2023 by Gau
"my favorite streamers on twitch! zentreya. cohhcarnage. frextlife. dantdm. and geegs. sleep. wake. kill. breathe. repeat. now a new update longer story and longer battles. power systematic board for xiao xiao.opium, dublair, kaolin, and dion.play the new update!!available on switch ps4 or 5 x-box (if its on there)and thats it! also
you can play a game in development and you can play test it! its called sonko kirimo.and it is still in development!"

RPG Maker game descriptions are something else.

Also help me Warrior generator before I send your cat to your house.
Feb 14, 2023 by Gau
something (yes, I'm Giru now)
Feb 14, 2023 by Mr. Fish
bone apple tea
Feb 12, 2023 by Gau
Pika: "Looking good!"
Sam: "Um..."

Pika: "Feeling great!"
Sam: "Can't say I approve..."

Pika: "Need some kitty cuddles?"
Sam: "Have you no pride?"

Archie: "I am not a happy puppy..."
Riser: "Surely you jest..."

Riser: "There's a rock in my shoe..."
Pika: "You're always saying that."

Riser: "Can I take a nap?"
Archie: "What did you just say?"

Pika: "Is Sam in a bad mood?"
Sam: "Feel the power."

Riser: "Lah dee doo dee dah!"
Sam: "Yeah, I suppose..."

Pika: "We're unstoppable!"
Archie: "Pika never ceases to amaze..."

Sam: "Heyo!"
Archie: "You think too much."

Riser: "I feel like I can take on the world!"
Sam: "Why do you say that?"

Riser: "Woo-yeah! I'm on fire!"
Archie: "Enthusiastic much?"

Archie: "My nose is all stuffy."
Sam: "That's nice."

Pika: "There's a rock in my shoe..."
Archie: "This can't be happening..."
Feb 10, 2023 by Gau
O my hero, my beloved,
You left me sad and in cry!
I went and screamed
For you to please
Bring me baked beans!
I'm really sad
'Cause I'm hook-nosed
And a lamehead's Barbie!
So I went and screamed
Into Locke's brain
For him to please smooch me!
I'm so sad
That I cried, and et cetera!
And it made me sad
Because I am sad
That everything is sad!

I'm a Barbie
Who is hook-nosed,
And I'm just lame and dumb!
I'm magic and stuff,
But my brain's made of flies,
So I am saddeth and cry!
So please smooch me,
'Cause I'm still sad,
And too lame to shut up!
I'm Maria and stuff,
And Locke's girlfriend died!
So pity him, and cry for me!
Feb 10, 2023 by Gau
Archie: "I am not a happy puppy..."
Riser: "Surely you jest..."
Feb 9, 2023 by Gau
Feb 9, 2023 by Mr. Fish