Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee Dollar money cents I need a lot of money because my N broke. It's his fault that I don't want him as a friend, I'm not really stupid, even if I destroy all my friendship with him, I let him go. It was his fault. I hate the guilt of all the sacrifices I have made. It was his fault. I killed him. I told him I was killed that night. It was his fault. Digged Digged Min-N bad, yes, bad, very bad, my ankle is bad. He didn't leave the coffee, it was his fault, I broke my leg when I hit him but he was a ghost in the car like a green light, eyes closed and all. Whoever Hurt Me Will Hate And Love Forever N ree N ree N ree do Ns Ree omni N E ree Nedi Hauhead Em. Chewing on the knees You killed my tongue in my lungs, you cute Hauhead Hauhead Haueth McHead Haumer Simpson Hauhead I'm addicted to cigarettes and sandwiches. His eyes opened and closed, but I asked him what that meant. Everything is now consistent. A memorable meal in Hauhead is at Hauhead Lodge. bee
Oct 13, 2022
"Is this accurate?" -me while writing
Basically, Clash is a sport, and apparently the only popular one in this weird random universe. I first imagined it as a bunch of "minigames" followed by the main attraction: a fight. But since I seem to only put any thought into the fight, we'll just abandon the mini-competitions so I can focus on that.
The fight is exactly what the name implies. Two people fight. The winner is the one who knocks out his opponent (like in boxing). However, he'll also win if his opponent surrenders, or if his opponent dies. Death isn't common, as the loser is usually knocked unconscious and the winner... wins, but it can happen. There aren't really any specific techniques in the fight. Doesn't really matter what you use, as long as you don't use weapons or something (as if they'd let you bring any). Though a decently common move among those who aren't afraid of punishment is a false surrender, where an opponent looks like he's surrendering and then whacks you. Aside from the surprise factor, you aren't allowed to attack an opponent who surrenders, so if you assume it's a false surrender and hit him (whether it ends up being one or not), you'll end up in trouble. The false surrender is frowned upon by the officials, and they will punish you in some way afterward, but it is pretty effective.
Of course, there's a bit more interesting stuff to the game than two guys in a ring kicking each other. First of all, all the fighters wear armor, which sounds heavy but apparently isn't. The armor is based on some sort of critter, from birds to bugs to whatever else. Aside from occasionally looking adorable, this animal armor isn't just metal with a fancy paint job. It gives you extra methods of offense too. For example, the protagonist wears bird-themed armor, parts of which are covered in 'feathers'. These feathers are sharp as knives, so touching them is not advised. But his main method of offense (the feathers rarely come in handy when everyone wears metal armor) are the talons on his boots. They're real sharp and he can land heavy blows with them. You do not want him to kick you. Why is the armor based off of animals? Aside from "I liked the idea", animals are often more powerful than humans in whatever way, or have other stuff that we don't have, like flight. So yeah.
However, while this might seem like an innocent sport (as innocent as a sport like that could be anyway), things are more than a bit shady. Quite a few people sign up for Clash and become fighters. However, a lot of the fighters in Clash are there against their will. Specifically, the younger fighters. The younger fighters are children being trained to be good little Clashers when they grow up. Oh and they've been kidnapped if you hadn't figured that out. Kids don't sign up to be beaten up very often (nor do their parents condone it), as far as I know. Why kidnap children? Simple. If they're trained from a young age, they'll be stronger when they're older. Most of the best fighters were taken as kids and have been fighting for like twenty years. Clash basically has its own kiddie league, where the kids are trained and face off against each other. Hard to believe these nonexistent people enjoy watching a pair of kids beating each other up, but I made the story, so...
Anyway, time for some more technical Clash stuff. The more you win, the more popular you get. The more popular you are, the harder opponents you face, and the more often you face them. And when you get real popular, you get a nicer place to live, more freedom, and all that stuff. You're being held captive and all, but still. There are perks. Those who continuously lose, however, receive worse treatment. Less food and less training (why spend time trying to turn a loser into a winner?), for instance. And it's a pretty rough cycle. You lose, you get treated worse, you lose more, you get treated even worse. Fighters have died simply because people don't care for or about them. That's the main reason they die, actually. Which is crazy. But nobody cares about them, so therefore it doesn't matter that Clash is kidnapping children and then possibly leaving them to die. Oh yeah, the masses usually don't care about what's going on behind the scenes, if they know about it to begin with. Some do, but they're simply ignored most of the time. And the people behind Clash are powerful, too. So yeah, that's corrupt.
The protagonist is one of those kids who's being trained. And he hates it. Like anyone with half a brain, he wants to escape, but you're not allowed to do that. They have cameras, guards, and little way off the island. It doesn't help that most of the guards are fighters as well, and adult ones for obvious reasons. Any kid would likely be crushed like a bug, and then punished. Oh, and speaking of bugs, the protagonist's best friend is a girl in ant-themed armor. So yeah, the protagonist wants to escape, but since his bird armor can't fly, the odds of that are minimal. He thinks that if he gets enough people on his side, they might all be able to get out, but seeing as how his only current support is a bunch of scared children, it might not be time for a revolt. The story follows him as he fights, rises in popularity, and eventually tries to escape and stuff. I imagine it's more interesting than I just made it sound.
I imagine the protagonist can be pretty impulsive at times, yet can often hesitate in the ring, especially if he's fighting someone he knows. If that makes much sense. I really haven't given much thought to his personality. I've already told you about his armor, so I'll tell you about his fighting style. He's quick and likes to kick. He also likes to hang onto and swing from those... dangling... ring... things that hang from the ceiling. I know there's something I could compare them to, but I forgot what it's called. They're pretty small (enough to grab and hold onto but not much else) and decently high, so they're mainly for good jumpers to attack from above. And he's one of those good jumpers. There's a reason he has bird armor: he likes to be up high and can swoop down to attack.
His pal is much more... timid. It's obvious she's no fighter, but she was taken and is in training anyway. Her armor's pretty strong, to make up for her lack of physical strength (she can't really dish out a hit but at least she can take one). I'm not exactly sure what her ant-themed armor looks like, but it has a method of offense, much like the protagonist's. The ant's legs, mandibles, and antennae are all sharp metal blade-like thingies. They hurt. I imagine her fighting style is pretty defensive, like her armor. As she's not strong (or particularly fast with all that armor on), it's important that she has good defenses. The blade-things are also good for defense, as they hurt to touch and armor doesn't cover every bit of you. They can keep opponents at a little bit of a distance, too. If she wants to go on the offensive, she'll simply charge and slam into her foe. Never feels good.
There's also Vohra's first version, who is much less fun to be around than his second version that I used for that one random idea. He's cold, quiet, and doesn't seem to like people. One of his only lines to the protagonist was "You whine... like a little girl." I found it amusing. I imagine he has some sort of reptilian armor, because snakes shed their skin. What does that have to do with anything, you ask? Simple. He takes his armor off right before the fight. I'm serious. And he still wins for the most part. How? Uh... I dunno. No ideas yet. Anyway, he's the protagonist's rival. So that's cool.
I also imagined multiple random plot points and such, but I'm getting real close to the character limit. I dunno if your opinion's changed, but I think I can see why you said this was "well thought-out". It certainly is for something I came up with. I mean, I made a whole fighting sport thing! Snazzy!
Oct 13, 2022
Oct 12, 2022
"Halogen LAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" -Akira Tadokoro (specifically with Japanese voice acting)
Oct 12, 2022
Mate, this whole "worrying that the Wildlings will beat you up" thing has to stop.
For god's sake, you can barely sleep at night with the concern that Rex will climb off your roof and sneak into your room with a knife. Of course, he doesn't have a knife, nor is he on your roof (or IS he?), but your irrational fear is... well, irrational.
This fear is, as previously stated, ruining the chances of you getting a good night's sleep. But not only that, it's making you aggressive and more annoying than usual.
You periodically jump out of chat to search what you believe to be prime Wildling hiding spots, such as in the sink, behind your TV, in your sock/underwear drawer, under your bed, and in the pipes.
Aside from being real annoying when I'm trying to have a conversation with you, your parents are getting irritated that they constantly have to put the pipes back into place (also there's been some minor flooding).
Oh, and your fear is keeping your little brother up too. When you can't sleep, you wander around the house in a sleepy daze, screaming and clutching your pillow whenever you hear a sound (which is you walking and making quiet terrified noises most of the time).
Your girly shrieks snap your brother (as well as half of the neighborhood) out of a sound sleep, fraying more than one temper.
It's gotten so bad that you need sleeping pills just to take a nap, and then you usually have a nightmare about the Wildlings beating you up, which terrifies you so much that it negates the effect of all pills, starting the cycle all over again.
Also, it's a little annoying that, every time I say anything containing the word "Wildling", you either link me to a clip of you screaming, leave chat to re-check the pipes your parents just put back, or scream about how much you wished you/the Guardians of Light could kill them all.
When you get off the internet for once and go outside, you constantly seem distracted and terrified, glancing behind you as you walk down the street, nearly having a heart attack every time a car drives by. As if the Wildlings could drive anyway...
Don't think this is limited to me and your family, though. Your coworkers have noticed this as well. One of them described your behavior as "being afraid of the door's shadow", and whenever a customer interacts with you, they always seem puzzled afterward.
I'm worried about you, Bee Pen. This has gone too far for too long. If the Wildlings WANTED to beat you up, they would've done it ages ago. You haven't bothered them yet, so they haven't tried to bother you. They are NOT going to attack you unprovoked.
...However, I'm sure that does nothing to alleviate your fear, if the random offerings of cheese and leftover food you leave on the doorstep in an attempt to "make peace" with the Wildlings, and the padlock on your bedroom door are any indication.
So I have sent your parents (who were nice enough to contact me and inform me that their son was scared of "some man named Henry") a book of tips to hopefully help you overcome your fear. Here's a couple:
- Spend time with a Wildling. Facing your fear is a good way to overcome it. The best Wildling for this job would be Finn, who is gentle and kind, but some other Wildlings might work. Other recommendations are Allie, who is shy, Leo, who is too small to appear threatening to most, and perhaps Archie, who you seem to relate to. Hopefully, you'll eventually feel fine spending time with all of them. Wildlings like the leader-like Conrad might seem too threatening, which I've explicitly mentioned. However, even with shy Wildlings, this is a pretty big step, so it's not a recommended first step.
- Ask yourself why the Wildlings would want to hurt you to begin with. Nowadays, the only thing Wildling-related that you question is if Rex is hiding in your socks with a knife (which would look adorable except for the knife and the fact that your sock drawer isn't large enough to fit him). The Wildlings are pretty peaceful if unprovoked, and I highly doubt you've provoked them. If you think you have, what did you do, and why would it bother them? Hopefully, this can also lead to the cause of your fear, which could make it easier for you to get over it.
There are plenty more tips and such in my book. You might wanna read it yourself, but your parents are gonna be asking you a bunch of questions either way. It's titled "Fear of the Feral" if you have any trouble finding it in your parents' stack of useless therapy books. They don't mention anything about Wildlings, for heaven's sake! How are they gonna help you?!
I wish there was more I could do to help, but I'll be hoping for your recovery so that you can go back to the semi-fun man you once were. Good luck, and feel free to keep in contact with me if you have any questions.
Oct 10, 2022
Oct 8, 2022
Oct 7, 2022
"It's-a me, Mario! Im here to tell you that this is sponsored by RaidShadowL"
Oct 6, 2022