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Wall for Chaos481 (page 2)

Thanks, and I will! Pogo shall be headbonking. :3

Oof. But good luck with school and all!
Aug 3, 2022 by Gau
Yikes. Tons of work AND you have to do it fast? I hate that. Another reason school is lame: not only do they teach you a ton of stuff you probably won't use (like ever), they make you do a bunch of stuff that's just about as useful.

And I'm good, putting off a Shiny hunt so I can play Live A Live, as well as a Mario Maker 2 course I've been... well, wanting to make. I can't really say trying. Music levels are such a pain, but they're awesome once you finish 'em. But with my attention span, it's gonna be a while before I actually do finish one. I've tried to make two of them, but gave up so fast. Kinda sad really. On the plus side, uh... I get to have Pogo headbonk stuff on Live A Live instead.
Aug 2, 2022 by Gau
Thanks! I got it on the 22nd, and I've beat it once. Extremely fun game, pretty weird but still cool. Pogo is pretty dang cute. He makes funny noises. I like Pogo.

Oof. School sounds like a pain. But how are you?
Jul 31, 2022 by Gau
Oh that makes sense. Tbh 9th grade isn't that difficult, I remember I'd get straight As in that with just 1 to 2 hours of study lol. Hoping abra kadabra wins more matches in the future. :)

Quack! ;)
Jul 20, 2022 by xPsydxck
Most of the time, green hair is ugly. But Gau and Pogo are downright precious. I mean, yeah, Gau's really scrawny, but you can't really tell in-game. Also for whatever reason he's blond in his Final Fantasy 6 overworld sprite. Which is... something.

Glad you're doing well! And I can definitely relate to the answering thing. I've been wanting to answer more questions recently as well. Also I should update my old answers, which I'm apparently putting off. Sad. Anyway, I'm good! I read some Warrior cats books, played some random demos, beat a couple games... pretty much the usual. My mom pre-ordered Live A Live (which I seem to be telling everybody), so soon after it's released, I'll have it. A physical copy, too. So that's exciting. :3
Jul 13, 2022 by Gau

...What is it with me being fond of Square Enix's green-haired kids...?

Anyway, how are you? :3
Jul 11, 2022 by Gau
CMB 481*
Jul 9, 2022 by xPsydxck
Hey Chesta, how are ya doing mate? :)
You getting the time to continue 481 these days?! I see Abra Kadabra are stuck at -1 for a long time now.
Jul 9, 2022 by xPsydxck
Jul 4, 2022 by Gau
Thank you!
Jun 30, 2022 by siegfriedsystem