Literally nothing, just saying that it might be reshown at a later date
Jul 16, 2018
Yeah I guess you can say that. Pretty sure a lot of ppl in the server watch anime.
And no you can't just bribe me for a position ;P Just be active on the server and you're fine.
Jul 8, 2018
Woah! Didn't know you where an Expert, since most sound so serious, same for Brotad. :)
Jul 7, 2018
Syl ™
I won't demote ahegao since they have not done anything bad for now. Yandere has been demoted.
Jul 4, 2018
I'm just gonna assume you're Rextesttrials...
"I can't teambuild for my life" wasn't a typo lol. Maybe I'm not *that* horrible at teambuilding, but I have to say my team for the tourney wasn't that good. (half of time was weak to ground and was vulnerable to setup sweepers) But my biggest problem is that I'm not a good battler (at least I wasn't during my battle against Leafy). That bad Heatran switch basically lost the game for me.
I would just say so on Showdown, but IamYandereAF put it on moderated chat. xd
Jul 3, 2018