God Nintendo. Anything that has to do with an online server fails. Nintendo Letter Box lost its online features, Flipnote Studio 3D was postponed, and now you've gone and ruined Pokemon Bank as well. Fix something please.
Dec 27, 2013
I see your reasonning.
Dec 26, 2013
Florges is too damn specially bulky to be in UU. I see use in the uber tier. And Vivillon is too damn OP; I swept the Rock Gym leader in XY with it. No, I are joking ;)
Vivillon will stay in NU like it is, with rare use there. But I fell in love with this cute bug. The first time I use a bug in-game. Seriously.
Ah, and nice Gravatar. I wanna the Salamence; it fits you perfectly. :D
Dec 26, 2013
My predictions for the Gen 6 tiers;
Chesnaught - Neverused with usage in Rarelyused
Delphox - Neverused with usage in Rarelyused
Greninja - Underused with usage in Overused
Diggersby - Neverused
Talonflame - Rarelyused with usage in Underused and Overused
Vivillon - Neverused
Pyroar - Neverused
Florges - Rarelyused or Underused
Gogoat - Neverused with usage in Rarelyused
Pangoro - Rarelyused
Furfrou - Neverused
Meowstic-M - Rarelyused
Meowstic-F - Neverused
Doublade - Rarelyused or Underused
Aegislash - Overused with usage in Ubers
Aromatisse - Neverused
Slurpuff - Neverused
Malamar - Neverused with usage in higher tiers
Barbarcle - Rarelyused
Dragalge - Neverused with usage in Rarelyused and Underused
Clawitzer - Neverused
Heliolisk - Neverused
Tyrantrum - Rarelyused
Aurorus - Neverused
Sylveon - Rarelyused or Underused
Hawlucha - Neverused (RU if Flying Gem is released)
Dedenne - Neverused
Carbink - Neverused
Goodra - Underused or Overused
Klefki - Underused or Overused
Trevenant - Neverused
Gourgeist - Rarelyused with usage in Underused
Avalugg - Neverused or Rarelyused
Noivern - Underused
Xerneas - Ubers
Yveltal - Ubers
Zygarde - Underused
Nov 14, 2013
Cool, I have a wall. :3
And I'm the first to post on it. :D
Jul 18, 2013