PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Keromatsu (page 5)

I want to flip tables. AGAIN.

But nah, that's too much of 2k14. H A--
Mar 17, 2016 by Germania
youre alive :0
Mar 11, 2016 by BMO
http://i.imgur.com/YqOwr5F.png?1 You asked for a "WAT" so here you go
Mar 5, 2016 by Hellfire Taco
"i'll never be able to be the same again since on forums I'm this formal guy with good grammar and on chat".
commented 1 day ago by Keromatsu, I've seen you on chat enough times... To know... That's not gonna happen.
Mar 2, 2016 by Ruby Furret
People will trade doge for codes.
Feb 18, 2016 by Solember
If you're not in the mood to read my massive post below, I have tl;dr's after most of my paragraphs :D

Feb 18, 2016 by Your Excellency
Kero, we tell you to shut up because you get REALLY annoying. Seriously. And I'm not trying to say that I'm not annoying or rude (seriously I'm so sick of people thinking that),  or that nobody else is, but you don't make it any better, and when you try to quickly change the topic by saying some stupid joke, while you might have good intentions, it's really infuriating (at least, for me) because just seconds prior you were thickening a bad discussion and making it very unpleasant.

tl;dr: you make inappropriate' discussions very unpleasant, and instead of making the topic die down you instead cause rage and annoyance, no matter how well your intentions are.

Last night, you insulted me for something that has nothing to do with chat, and for all you know isn't even true. I have been trying really hard these past few days to deflect discussion on 'me and Ray', and when I say something and you use it against me it does not feel good. If you want to discuss that **** at all then bring it to PH and pal pad me. Just don't ******* insult me and call me a troll.

tl;dr: stop insulting me for things that are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, and if you really want to talk about it then just bring it to PH.

I don't hate you, you're one of my favorite people on the site (somehow), but you REALLY are annoying. You tend to say randomness in chat that isn't just random, but extremely offensive to others. I have never EVER EVER insulted someone for their age or race and abilities (I'll to that later, or to save you from reading I'll just rant about it on my venting pad). Whether you mean to or not, you can be extremely upsetting when you talk about someone's race, personal information, and age (you call people kids and act like you think (i'm not saying it's true, you just SEEM like you think so) you're better than them just because you're a couple years older. You've multiple times angered me because of random **** you've said about that. You called Flamey and illegit child, and I don't know how that made her feel, but it made me feel like slicing you up, putting you in a grinder, and blending you.

tl;dr: I don't hate you, but you're ******* annoying and I'm not afraid to state so.

Please, instead of insulting someone, or raging at them, or making an inappropriate joke to end a different kind of inappropriate discussion, just say something totally off-topic, and try to form a new subject and chat. Don't be annoying about it. But even if you have trouble doing that, please.. PLEASE stop insulting or raging at me. If you do, I won't do it to you. I already hold back a ton of **** i want to say.

And don't mention 151 in chat again, unless you're talking to her (in a polite manner) or mentioning her in a non-ray, non-something-that-happened-in-the-past way. Don't use the excuse "but you did", isn't the great lesson here that everything I do is BAD?

If you actually read all of that, thank you ^-^ Help me end our hypocrisy of a chat and maybe, just maybe, we'll make a significant difference. And if you care as much as I do, pal pad me if you want to know about what EXACTLY went on with me and Ray.
Feb 18, 2016 by Your Excellency
You can get them on reddit forums and several chat sites for free from people. I, personally, generate about 200,000 per day from Dogespin, a Roulette simulator. You must first install a doge Wallet.

Crypto currencies are encrypted Data. Basically, you are lending your processing power of your PC in exchange for an electronic currency that can be exchanged for goods, services or cold-hard-cash.
Feb 17, 2016 by Solember
No, I sell cards. Best price in the country at 3 dollars per pack for Pokemon, Yu -Gi-Oh and Magic. I don't code out though. Try listia. You can essentially trade coke reward points for tcg codes there. I can usually do 4 caps, which comes out to 12 coke points, for one online code, depending on current market value. Powerade caps, coke, sprite and dasani products are commonly thrown on the ground, and all have codes. You can literally walk around picking up trash for coke codes to be traded for listia currency to trade for Pokemon codes. You could also try dogecoin. Easy to get in online forums. Universally traded.
Feb 17, 2016 by Solember
"How is my Zoreshiram huh? //**** by the idgaf gods" -Ray, in the first palpad conversation I had with her
Feb 16, 2016 by Keromatsu