PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for MangoBrick (page 23)

Sep 21, 2023 by Vibrant Vaporeon
Phase 2 of the plan will be initiated on the 23rd September. All of the mods that we initiated Phase 1 on will be targetted.

Phase 2 will be us telling the moderators the following message on their walls, or something similar to this:

"Hi. We've noticed you posting quite a lot of rule breaking questions recently (e.g your question about Vaporeon), and believe that you have not read the rules properly. Please read the rules (https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/rules). Any more rule breaking questions will result in a temporary ban."

Remember, 23rd September, at any convenient time for you. Once again, the wall posts do not have to be at the same time/back to back, only enough so that most fit on the front page of the victims wall.
Sep 20, 2023 by -Eclipse-
I felt like it, don’t ask me. And, yeah I guess I am probably the only person other than you who has thought about your points like this
Sep 19, 2023 by Mahathirio
"Mb, my brain saw Barb Barrage and thought “no Overqwil? Use Eviolite”
commented 1 hour ago by Hallucinogens"

I kinda knew that was the reason you commented that the set doesn't use Eviolite lol
Sep 19, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
2,760 points… The journey to reach Mewderator is already along the way. Only 70554 points to go!. At this rate (if I did my maths right) you’ll be done in… 24 years. Ahh, umm. Ok, we’re gonna have to try hit around 6000 points by the end of the year to beat mewderator in 12 years… 14662 points in 1 year can get you to the top in 5 years. Ah, how long do you plan to continue this ordeal?

Cause next year, if you go on a frenzy you could meet that 14662 point target. Flooring at your 5 most recent answers (yes, not the best data points, to lazy to use more) you get around 28 points per question. So, to meet that 14662 point target, you would have to answer around 528 questions in one year. Doable, but extremely difficult, and I doubt the user base asks enough questions in the first place for you to be able to answer all of them.

However, improving quality of you questions can help, or at least attract some votes. If you can get around 40 points per answer, so BA and two upvotes, you could hit it by answering at a rate 1 question a day. So, what’s the game plan gonna be? I kinda want you to reach the target, but mewderator will have to be the final step. Honestly, this is kinda like Goh’s goal in the dumb Pokémon Journeys. You’re probably busy as well, but, I think it’s possible. You can do this
Sep 19, 2023 by Mahathirio
I'm in them
Sep 15, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
Did you know that fewer than 25% of all viewers read the rules? It helps a lot, so be sure to click that button!
Sep 15, 2023 by Amethyst
if you were an orange you could've actually been in a real place. that place is Orange County
Sep 14, 2023 by mee
it's just a Pikachu wearing a costume. There's nothing to worry about!
Sep 12, 2023 by mee
nuh uh
Sep 11, 2023 by SpillThePolteageist