Hey, there's this thing that's been bothering me a bit about PokeBase questions. I went on a major rant in chat earlier about how people ask questions about cartdriges and DS systems, rather than the games or information about pokemon or the anime/manga.
Basically, questions like this:
This is technically breaking the rules, but I never see these questions flagged so I get confused as whether to flag them or not.
There was this question from a year ago, this was about the DS:
Another type of question is
http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/186158/pokemon-hg-music-changes while it could have been about the game, it was about the DS. In certain circumstances it may not have been (like if there was something special about the game making it have different music depending on the system it was in), but this case was just about why the music sounded different.
My most recent question:
http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/246984/why-is-there-a-save-and-quit-feature-in-rumble-world is somewhat similar (i guess) but it is asking about ingame stuff and "does it save all this junk etc. etc.", not about the system or game cart. Therefore, I'd think that questions for my type would be allowed, but questions like the first 3 wouldn't.
So I'm gonna talk a little about each of them:
The first one i mentioned, about the emerald game (this also goes for the second question i linked)- It isn't at all about Pokemon, ingame questions, tcg, manga, or anime. it is asking no information reguarding any kind of Pokemon story, glitches, hot to do stuff ingame, etc. And is technically breaking the rules by asking a question about the cartridge, not the game.
If this was happening to the their Zelda or Mario cart, they wouldn't be posting aobut it here. Just because it is a Pokemon cartridge doesn't mean it is any different than other franchise games. All cartridges are the same, the gameplay and experience is what is different, and the cart being broken has nothing to do with the actual Pokemon game.
Are Nintendo console questions allowed and I just didn't know?
Another thing is that the problem is obvious: the game and/or DS is broken somehow. Obviously the Emerald game is broken... so what exactly is it that they want to know?
For the HG sound question - That was about the sound of the game sounding different when on 3DS than on DSi, and was about the systems.
My question was about Rumble and ingame stuff, as I mentioned above.
So finally, I want to ask...
Are these questions allowed? Are questions like mine allowed but not still sort of "rule-breaky"? I"m pretty sure mine is perfectly fine with the rules, but questions like the others seem to break them, especially the emerald question.
So do I flag these or leave them alone? I feel like we should have a meta post for this (if we don't already.. do we?) because I think the problem should be addressed. What's your opinion? Is it really a problem or am I just easily annoyed by silly things?