PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Radicool21 (page 7)

Feb 24, 2015 by Tad
Was never that much of a Naruto fan. The manga was okay. but the ending was bah. Final arc was also bah. Also Anime needs to end like right now it's so bad, too many fillers.
Feb 24, 2015 by Sempi
Why the heck do I keep getting downvotes, can people at least tell me why
Feb 24, 2015 by Radicool21
Make it
Feb 24, 2015 by Tad
Specs golurk ASAP
Feb 24, 2015 by Tad
Idk how that would work, neither of us have a diglet and kinda XD
Feb 23, 2015 by Tad
9 + 10 = 19 :D
Feb 23, 2015 by Your Excellency
Isn't catching Terrakion basically the same for catching every legendary haha?
And I'm not a fan of Azelf, but I'd probably run with the Nasty Plot offensive set. However, suicide Rocks words fine too.
Feb 17, 2015 by Sempi
And obviously, your EV spread should be 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD. I'm not sure what IV you're going to get on HP, but if you get an odd IV number on HP, use 4 SpD instead of HP to minimise Hazard damage If you get an even one, then you can use 4 HP.
Feb 16, 2015 by Sempi
SD Terrakion?
The easiest way to beat it is to revenge kill it. Base 106 is pretty good, but in the ORAS meta it isn't amazing anymore. Apply offensive pressure to Terrakion to prevent it from setting up Swords Dance, and take it out, or fodder something off/switch in on the predicted Swords Dance and kill it before it can do any serious damage.

In regards to using Terrakion, I'm not personally a fan of the Swords Dance set. However, regardless of what moveset you're using, you should have a Timid Nature, preferably good IVs on everything, but Attack and Speed IVs are a must. In terms of your moveset, Close Combat and Stone Edge are musts, for their STAB and offensive power. While Stone Edge is a bit iffy in accuracy, the extra power is really nice, but you can use Rock Slide if you're really scared of missing. Close Combat can't be replaced, the offensive power is just too great. For your last 2 slots, I'd normally run Earthquake and Rock Slide with Close Combat and Stone Edge utilising a Choice Scarf, but if you want to use Swords Dance use a moveset of Swords Dance / Close Combat / Stone Edge / Earthquake with a Life Orb. You can also consider using Rock Polish > Earthquake to try get the double dance setup but that's really risky.
Feb 16, 2015 by Sempi