PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for SigmaTyrunt321

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I’m glad you’re enjoying the moveset threads on our site! However, it’s come to my attention that the quality of your posts don’t meet site standards.
Your posts need to have full, detailed descriptions on how the moveset is to be used, and explaining how/why it’s good.
All your posts that don’t meet the sites expectations will be removed without comment, and if we feel as though you aren’t making an effort to improve the quality of your posts, you may end up with a ban under rules 0.2 and 1.4. So please reach out if you need clarification, or if you have any questions or concerns.
We have excellent members of the community here who are very fluent in competitive and movesets. I highly encourage you to reach out to them if needed!

Here’s a link I highly suggest you read. Please try and use a similar description to the one featured here going forward: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/39811/what-are-the-guidelines-for-moveset-questions

And this user has wonderful movesets and descriptions you can use as reference. He’s also great if you need to ask any questions:
Aug 13 by ~Silver~
“So umm,”
Aug 10 by MangoBrick
Hey, if you didn't know, Tera Blast will always be Normal type unless you terastalize. Just giving a Pokémon some random Tera Type and using Tera Blast without terastalizing doesn't work.
Jun 13 by DavidVileplume
Jun 2 by MangoBrick
Hello tyrunt
Jun 2 by Cicada
Hey there!
May 27 by DavidVileplume
Hi, welcome to Pokebase! :)
May 25 by -RisingManectric-