PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 82)

Idk. Anyway, thanks for the vote.
Dec 16, 2018 by Jasone Anderson
Awww, I really like Chatot too!! I'm okay with that or Scraggy/Scrafty. :P

Two items? Umm... I always liked the look of both the Focus Sash and the Pecha Berry!
Dec 16, 2018 by ~-~WILL~-~
Hmm... The Wise Glasses (my family says I can't see well enough, so I might get glasses soon...)?
Dec 16, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
Can it be anything? Or does it have to act like me? I'll choose... Duosion.
Dec 16, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
Honestly I never gave it much thought before! I would like to think I should be represented by one I like, but something kinda goofy... maybe Scraggy or Scrafty?
Dec 16, 2018 by ~-~WILL~-~
Whaaat? Don't you know through the power of Pokémon that you will always be a 10 year old, no matter how old you get? Look at Ash: he is still a 10 year old and he is 20 years old! :P
Dec 16, 2018 by Staka~
Hydreigon or Shadow Lugia
Dec 16, 2018 by Mosmic Dragoon
Your comment on Staka's wall; hmmm.... Does Flappers have an important role in the Pokebase community in your mind, even though Flappers barely answers questions?

Flappers is pleased.
Dec 15, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
Lil' girls don't count. Especailly you, you're made of Cotton Candy, Kittens, and memes. :P
Dec 15, 2018 by Staka~
Someone actually acknowledged me! Well, Staka said he couldn't think of anything that mactched with Guy Fieri, but I think maybe Emboar would fit? Idk. Then there was when I went around as Shady Sceptile, but I think Hellfire Taco is already Sceptile. Then there's my Showdown account, SecretForestGuy130, and how in Mystery Dungeon Chespin was chosen to represent me, so I think of myself as a young Chesnaught. I don't think I'm going to get picked.
Dec 15, 2018 by Clobboot