YES! I beat Trial of the Fool! I used the following charms: Quick Focus, Unbreakable Strength, Mark of Pride, Nailmaster's Glory, and Thorns of Agony. After getting destroyed 50ish times it feels really good to finally win. Next I am going to work on Godhome then NKG. After that is 112% completion, and I am happy Pantheon of Hallownest isn't required for 112%.
Dec 11, 2020
The context the the sexy haunter is that it had hypnosis and hex and we were doing dmax adventures and it was really really useful lol so i was like Daaaaaamn thats a sexy haunter
Dec 11, 2020
Hai Syl! How ate you? Huh i just realuzed “hi Syl” looks like “hi see ya later!” How contrary XD
Dec 11, 2020
Dyla N
Sometimes I use it with satire, tho not too often lol
Dec 11, 2020
Oh no, its not supposed to be threatening at all. I just prefer it to "what?" and "huh?" lol
Dec 11, 2020
Ah ok lol. I actually dont remember the context. I'll ask ty lol
Dec 11, 2020
I beg your pardon?
Dec 11, 2020
For ALL games I play hyper offensive (except sports I guess I like to do defense and offense) it's just who I am. I try to pressure but in Hollow Knight you can only take 5-9 hits.
Well, yes my first ending was sealed siblings. But when I saw the percentage in the menu I wanted 100%, then I figured out it goes to 112%. I looked up what I needed to do to get 112% and I started to do things like find all the charms. Then I learned even more about the game like the "secret" final boss The Radiance. After that was just a grind to beat The Radiance, but I gave up and tried to 112% the game, very difficult. So I tried to beat The Radiance again but I just decided sealed siblings was good enough until I got better.
Also, I am glad you feel better. :)
Dec 10, 2020
Who said anything about Sushi? If someone has it tho i want it LIL it’s one kf my faves!
Dec 10, 2020
Dyla N
Um what?
Dec 10, 2020
Dyla N