PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for fizz (page 50)

Gotcha, thanks
Aug 18, 2021 by MonkeyBusiness
Hey, Fizz, I think I gave this question a lot better of an answer than it has before. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/352298/what-are-all-the-ways-to-get-mew-in-sword-shield
Aug 18, 2021 by MonkeyBusiness
Hiya Fizzypoo. Ily ❤️
Aug 15, 2021 by BM™
Thank you for the help :)
Aug 15, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop
Is it true that the character's design in my grav looks like a Feraligatr smh
Aug 15, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
Aug 15, 2021 by ~Silver~
Ayup fizz. Quick question. Do you know when the next tournament will be? I haven't seem any details, sorry if this is a really obvious question lol. And by the way, feraligatr is sick
Aug 14, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop
Ah okay that makes sense. Thanks for taking time out of your busy life and doing all that man!

Also, I read you post on sumwun's wall; even though you're already aware of this, I just wanted to mention this: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/60024 . According to this, in-game team questions like those arent allowed. But you said on sumwun's wall they are; can I get some clarification on this, because I was actually about to answer the Firered question you mentioned? My answer is almost ready, but if its not allowed then I'd avoid posting it for the better of the site in the long run. Thanks.
Aug 14, 2021 by xPsydxck
Ooooh I see. I checked the archives for Mewthree and the first capture is of 30th Oct, 2010. Since you joined 2 weeks before that, you must've seen some question by Mewthree, especially considering the fact that he had asked the most viewed questions of that time.
Ah yes, the name now belongs to a completely dead account with not activity whatsoever. "so when I checked and saw the name now belongs to an account from 2014, I realised what you were getting at." What do you mean by this? Does that account also have the same IP as PM? That would explain why it has zero activity, PM would've made the account to reserve the username and prolly confuse anyone who remembered the name. Hmm.... or maybe I'm just overthinking lol.

Also, I flagged this post 4 days ago: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/77742/suggestion-button-abilities-consideration-coverage-chart?show=77911#c77911
Is this not a dupe of the question I mentioned? If yes, why is my flag still there? Am I missing on something?

Sorry for replying so late! I couldn't access the wayback machine until today so I wasn't able to check the aforementioned details. :/
Aug 11, 2021 by xPsydxck
Fizz <3
Aug 11, 2021 by ~Silver~