PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for fwoofyy (page 35)

I know, just thought I would bring it up.
May 30, 2018 by fwoofyy
ok. For the record, this isn't exactly necroposting, but I thought that I might mention the fact that https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/6820/which-annoying-woodland-creature-is-the-strongest was last posted on over three years ago
May 30, 2018 by Dragonblade
May 29, 2018 by fwoofyy


I'm jk
May 29, 2018 by EvilTwinNeedle™️
Shiny Moltres suuuuuucks. Looks like a naked chicken on fire. If you wanna make it work you gotta do it by adding some FABULOUS ACCESSORIES.
Strut. That. Stuff.
May 26, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
nvm it's fixed
May 26, 2018 by fwoofyy
Note To Everyone: Someone hacked into my Showdown! account and said:
"We need a mod for that"
"No idea lol"
"Bye I need to go"

Please someone help ;(
May 26, 2018 by fwoofyy
May 23, 2018 by fwoofyy
Yeah! This is better then Espeonage's Gravatar!
May 21, 2018 by Syl ™
I am considering attempting an Alpha Sapphire nuzloke btw.
May 21, 2018 by PsyKlone