PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for melcakes (page 3)

May 23, 2023 by ~Silver~
stay gold
May 15, 2023 by MechSteelix
May 13, 2023 by fwoofyy
i came back to pokemondb very recently, so you caught me at like the perfect time
May 11, 2023 by MechSteelix
were you expecting me not to reply to your wall message? that'd be mean XD
May 9, 2023 by MechSteelix
May 9, 2023 by fwoofyy
May 6, 2023 by MechSteelix
Yep, done.
Jan 1, 2023 by Fizz
Wouldn't it be cool if in a link battle, whether online or local, friend or stranger, you could battle in each town's battle arena? Instead of just using the Mesagoza tournament arena, you and your opponent could pick different stages that provide different aesthetics or music, like in a fighting games like Street Fighter. You already play on all these arenas in the main game whether it's a gym or rival battle and Montenevra even has it's own (FIRE) mix.
Dec 28, 2022 by melcakes
huge legend
Dec 11, 2022 by Syl ™