PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for y-chai (page 321)

Meanwhile, Kylani seems to have given up on making Ghetsis nice, as she and N are on a mission. Their mission is to save Pokémon who have been abused by their Trainers. They peek out from behind some trees to find a boy with a Growlithe. It was battling a Salandit and losing. "Oh, come on!" cried the boy. "Ember!" Growlithe started breathing flames toward the Salandit, but it dodged. Then the Salandit sent a wave of poison at the Growlithe, and it cried out in pain as it was hit. Kylani and N stared at each other in shock. "What is wrong with you?! You're useless!" the boy yelled at his Growlithe, and started kicking it repeatedly. "We have to save that Growlithe!" Kylani cried, and the two of them dashed out of the bushes. Kylani knocked the boy over. "Ow! What the heck are you doing?!" he yelled. N crouched next to Growlithe as it whimpered in pain. "You were abusing that Growlithe!" "What I do with my own Pokémon is none of your business, kid!" Growlithe shakily got to its feet as Kylani said "It's not your Pokémon anymore! We're going to rescue it from you!" "Rescue?! You can't just take a Trainer's Pokémon, you know!" "Actually, we can take a Pokémon away from its Trainer if it's being abused by them! We talked to Officer Jenny, and she thinks it's a good idea! It'll save the Pokémon a lot of suffering!" Growlithe started whining, looking pitiful. N reached out his hand and laid it on Growlithe's head, causing it to jump back, startled, and run away. "Hey, wait!" N called after it. Suddenly, the Salandit spat poison at N. "Augh!" he cried. "N!" The Salandit ran off as Kylani started freaking out. "Are you okay?!" N moaned in response. "Oh no! You're poisoned!" "I can tell..." Kylani looked around to see that the boy had run off. "I-I didn't bring any Pecha Berries or Antidote!" N gave her a weird look. "How... how could you forget to bring something that cures poison...?" "Uh... I don't know, actually..." N suddenly looked worried. "Growlithe... we have to find Growlithe... it could get hurt easily when it's already injured..." "But... but you're just gonna get worse!" Kylani cried, but N was already stumbling in the direction that Growlithe had run off in. Kylani followed. After a minute of wandering and not seeing Growlithe, Kylani said "I-I think we should stop searching for Growlithe for a little while and try to find something to heal you with." "No... we have to find Growlithe..." "But, no offense, you look terrible!" N turned towards her and said "You know...? I appreciate your concern, but I'm... fine..." Suddenly, he went pale and collapsed. "N!" N started writhing around on the ground in agony, crying out in pain. "O-Oh no...!" Kylani cried. "J-Just hold on! I'll get help!" she said, and dashed off. She wandering around, looking for help and becoming increasingly panicked. "Hello?" said a voice. She whirled around to see a girl with a Growlithe in her arms. "W-Who are you?!" "My name is Hex. I found this little fellow running around in a frenzy. Do you know his Trainer?" she asked. "Y-Yes, I do, but-" "What's that? Am I hearing things, or is somebody crying out in pain?" Kylani realized Hex might be the help N needed. "Yes! Please, follow me!" she said, running back to N's location. When the arrived, Hex looked stunned. "What in the world happened here?!" "Y-You see, he was poisoned by a Salandit while we were trying to rescue Growlithe! Please, can you help him?!" Growlithe looked upset and curled up tightly. "...Yes, I can!" Hex said, and crouched next to N. "Don't worry, N... you'll be feeling better in no time..." Kylani said, but N didn't look her way. Hex stared at him curiously. Kylani backed away, thinking that N didn't know she was there. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he gets well." Hex assured her. Kylani nodded and walked away, sure that Hex could concentrate better when she wasn't around. Around a minute after Kylani left, Hex pulled out a book. She peered at it and turned a few pages. "...This is the one." she said. Growlithe stared at them nervously. She lifted a charm up to the sun and started chanting. A strange ring of light surrounded N as Hex continued to chant. After a second, Hex stopped chanting and the ring of light disappeared. N had stopped thrashing and was asleep. "There we go." Hex said happily. "He'll be fine with some rest."
May 10, 2020 by Gau
That night, Pika is staring out the window with a worried look on her face. She doesn't know what she should do to help Gladion. He's peacefully sleeping, but his fever hasn't become any better. Lillie walked into the room and sat down next to her brother, and Pika turned to her and said "I've been here all day, and I haven't done anything to help him. He's not getting any better..." Lillie blinked at her. "Pika, people often don't recover from sicknesses in one day. I think... I think he'll be okay... we just have to wait..." "Yeah, but I wish I could actually help him..." "But you have helped him." "Huh?" "You may not be a doctor with some medicine to cure him, but look at him. When you were talking to him earlier, he was so calm and relaxed...  he trusts you, Pika. He knows you're doing your best to help him. Just... just being there for him is helping him." Lillie said. Pika looked at him. "He cares about you, Pika. Just like you care about him." "But... he always acted like he hated me..." "He... he gets annoyed sometimes, but... I don't really think he hated you. I'm sure he didn't." then Lillie yawned. "Maybe you should get some sleep, Lillie. I'll take care of Gladion. At least... I'll try to." Lillie smiled. "Okay. Good night, Pika." "Good night." Then Lillie left the room. Pika sat next to Gladion, wondering if he'd overheard their conversation. But his eyes were still closed. "He'll get better..." Pika muttered to herself. "He has to."
May 9, 2020 by Gau
"Mother!" Lillie exclaimed. "I-It's Gladion! He's ill!" "What?" "He... he hurt himself and... and he has a fever!" she said, her voice coming out as a squeak. Lusamine looked at the three of them. "Gladion?" Gladion moaned and opened his eyes a little bit. He stared at his mother like she was a complete stranger. "I... I'm trying to help him the best I can, but I... don't really know what I'm doing... but I want him to be okay..." Pika said. Gladion turned towards her and blinked. "He's hurt? And got a fever as a result? I'm sorry, Lillie, but he's obviously faking it." "What?!" both Lillie and Pika cried. "Why would Gladion become so weak? He's never been like this before." "Mother, he's in horrible shape! He's in pain and I don't know what to do!" Lillie cried. "Please do something!" "Like what? How can I cure someone's illness when it's fake?" "He's not faking it!" Pika cried. "He's really hot!" "What?!" Lusamine yelled. "She didn't mean that hot, mother!" Lillie cried, looking a tiny bit embarrassed by her mother's mistake. Lusamine seemed to regain her composure. "Why else would he have an ice pack on his forehead?!" Pika asked angrily. "Are you going along with his act or are you just that gullible?" "He's not faking it!" "Mother, please!" "I'm not going to be involved in this! I don't know what's gotten into him, but he's faking it! It's obvious!" Lusamine said, then turned around and walked away. "Mother!" Lillie cried, in tears. Pika just stared, looking stunned. Gladion stared at Pika intensely. "...You... you..." he muttered. Lillie spun around. "W-What is it, Gladion?" Pika asked. "...You... care... about me..." he said, looking straight at her. "O-Of course I do... you're my friend..." Pika said, tearing up. "...Even... even... after I... rejected your... friendship...?" he asked. "Yes... I've always cared about you, Gladion..." she responded, and hugged him tightly. Lillie stared at them in amazement. After a few seconds, she said "I can't believe mother thinks he's faking it... I don't know what to do..." "Believe me, I don't know what to do either... I'm no doctor..." Pika muttered. "But I'll try to help Gladion the best I can... I have to make him feel better... I just have to..." "Pika... you're acting so... gentle." "I... I am?" "Yes... I'm surprised..." Lillie said, then stared at her brother in shock. Pika looked at him as well. He had fallen asleep in Pika's arms and was snoring gently. "Oh, wow..." Lillie muttered. Pika looked around, seeming a tiny bit unsure of what she should do. Then she gently laid her head on his shoulder. "I can tell... I can tell that he's in good hands... I know you'll help him recover, Pika... even if you're not a doctor..." Lillie said, and smiled.
May 9, 2020 by Gau
Two days later, Pika, Ash, and Kylani are still hard at work. However, it doesn't seem to be working. "Sheesh!" Pika exclaimed. "This'll never work!" Ghetsis was lying on the ground, still tied up, giving them nasty looks. "Yeah... this is much harder than I thought..." Kylani muttered. "I have no idea what to do..." Ash said sadly. Suddenly, Pika's phone started ringing. She pulled it out of nowhere and answered her call. "What's up?" "Pika?" It was Lillie. "Uh... Pika, you need to come to the mansion r-right away." "Why? What's... what's going on?" "G-Gladion's asking to see you..." "W-What's wrong...?" "Gladion, he... he's been badly hurt..." "What?!" "He has an awful fever and... and he's asking to see you..." Lillie seemed to be crying. "I'm coming!" Pika pulled out her Ride Pager and a Charizard came flying towards her and landed next to her. "I need you to fly me to the mansion. Please hurry!" she said, climbing on Charizard's back. Charizard nodded and flew up into the sky, and the two of them soon disappeared from sight. "...What was that all about?" Ash asked. "I don't know, but it must be something serious if Pika just bolted on us like that..." A look of worry spread across Kylani's face. "What could've happened...?"

Pika's Charizard landed at the mansion, and Pika jumped off. "Thanks, Charizard!" Charizard nodded and flew off. Pika opened the doors and saw Lillie pacing back and forth anxiously. "Lillie!" Lillie turned. "Pika! You're here!" Lillie looked happy that she was there, but still nervous and worried. "F-Follow me!" she said, and dashed off. Pika followed her. Then she opened some doors to a room and stepped inside. Pika stared in shock. Gladion was sitting on the floor with his back against a wall and his eyes closed. He was sweating and had an ice pack on his forehead. Pika stepped towards him and noticed that he was shaking. She turned towards Lillie and gave her a desperate look. She sat next to Gladion and said "Gladion...? P-Pika's here..." He opened his eyes weakly and stared at his sister. Pika sat next to him on his other side. "G-Gladion? Are you... okay...?" He turned his head and stared at her, but didn't say anything. Lillie started crying. "Gladion? Can you... hear me...?" Pika asked desperately. He blinked and tried to speak. "...Pika..." he wheezed. "I... I'm here, Gladion..." she said, and put her hand on his forehead, next to his ice pack. His skin was hot to the touch, and Pika gasped. Lillie gave him a hug, trying to cheer him up a little bit. "D-Don't worry, Gladion... you'll... you'll be okay... r-right, Pika...?" Lillie asked. "Yes, you'll... you'll be okay... I... I promise..." Pika said quietly. Then she wrapped her arms around him in a hug, like Lillie had. He stared at her and seemed to be trying to say something. However, he seemed to be too weak to talk, and he closed his eyes and went limp. Pika pulled him closer to her. "What's going on here?" asked a voice. Lillie and Pika looked up to see Lusamine standing in the doorway, looking baffled. "What are you doing with my son?" she asked, scowling at Pika.
May 9, 2020 by Gau
Yeah I mass produce breed them LOL. I will never run out
May 9, 2020 by y-chai
Hey, do you still have a Contrary Snivy available?
May 9, 2020 by Amethyst
Snow Warning A-Vulpix is now available LOL
May 9, 2020 by y-chai
Also, this is SM/USUM
May 9, 2020 by y-chai
Also, I’m only accepting 3 orders a day, though this might change if it’s easier than I expected (or harder) :P
May 9, 2020 by y-chai
Ok so I kinda started breeeding HAs for people. Here's what I have available (available cuz I would feel dirty if I breed and traded some of mine):
Sweet Veil Bounsweet
Inner Focus Darumaka
Liquid Voice Popplio
Long Reach Rowlet
Unnerve Axew
Contrary Snivy
Protean Froakie (I feel a bit bad about this one, so I will only accept a really good offer)
I can breed these for you at any time, with whatever nature you would like (though Pokémon that are hard to hatch, like Axew, I would prefer you want Adamant since I can stick an Everstone on my Adamant Haxorus. Note that these Pokémon will need a better offer than, lets say, a Sweet Veil Bounsweet would.). There is 1 HA I have I don't really want anyone having :P. My max is 2 Pokémon a person (per day). Please note that I will not be on all the time so if u do order I might miss it. Please put offers and orders in chat, but if your really dying and im not there, just post on my wall.
May 9, 2020 by y-chai