PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Ok people, I saw a video on youtube (it was a WiFi battle - Deal with it) and the player had a Cradily on his team with Curse and Recover. I know for a fact that he uses PokeSav but I was wondering... is there a way to get this legit? I kinda suck at chain breeding and so on but is it possible to breed 2 moves from Pokemon that can't breed with each other onto another Pokemon.

Can I get Recover from Corsola and Curse from Tirtouga and breed them onto a Cradily? if so, HOW?!


EDIT: Ok also I know that Slowpoke gets curse and can breed with Corsola sooo... If I get Corsola with Curse and Recover and THEN I breed it with Cradily will it have Curse and Recover as well?

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2 Answers

3 votes

Ok so since a female cannot pass down an egg move, so here goes. First take a female Corsola with Recover, breed it with a male Tirtouga/Carracosta with Curse. You need a male. Take that male Corsola with Curse, level it up till it learns recover. Now just breed that Corsola with Curse and Recover with a female Lileep/Cradily to get your prize.

0 votes

Ok also I know that Slowpoke gets curse and can breed with Corsola sooo... If I get Corsola with Curse and Recover and THEN I breed it with Cradily will it have Curse and Recover as well?

EDIT: okay, I'll lay it out; this is how you chain breed Recover and Curse onto a Cradily

First step:
Male Slowpoke with Curse
breed with
Female Corsola
-> offspring needed must be a Male Corsola

Second Step:
Level the resulting Corsola up until it learns Recover

Third Step:
Male Corsola (with Recover and Curse in its moveset)
breed with
Female Cradily
-> resulting Cradily will have Recover and Curse

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This answer doesn't help at all...
I'm pretty sure I answered the edit query; if Curse is bred onto a (male) Corsola, it then needs to be bred with a female Cradily to get a Cradily with Recover and Curse.
Please clarify cause this is confusing for someone who sucks at chain-breeding.
Not sure it needs the flag though
Yeah, flag is useless, guys, it follows the rules.