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6 Answers

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Let's first assume two things:

  1. You're playing White 2
  2. You're able to trade

Electivire is not otherwise easily obtainable, so these stipulations give it the best chance of success in this comparison. Unfortunately, its opponent is Magnezone, who is the best Electric type in the entire game. Sorry Electivire.

Magnezone is available in the Virbank Complex and walls Roxie and Burgh right off the bat. Its Electric/Steel typing gives it an obscene 13 resistances that let it trivialise most other important Trainers --- it only really struggles against Clay, Marshal, and Iris. Its base 130 Special Attack and Sturdy make it useful in every battle, and the icing on the cake is SonicBoom to shred the early game. Its main flaws are its mediocre Speed and lack of strong STAB moves, but Magnezone is so strong in other departments that these are easily overlooked.

Comparatively, Electivire has high enough attacking stats to run its wide mixed movepool, which gives it more diversity than Magnezone has. This is about where its advantages end, though: you're stuck with Elekid until Level 30, you can only evolve Electabuzz after the seventh Gym, and Electivire's inferior typing gives it fewer advantages against important Trainers.

It is worth mentioning that Eviolite Electabuzz has higher Speed than Electivire and can be a viable substitute if you can't trade or want a faster Pokemon. It's still worse than Magnezone though.

Magnezone completely stomps Electivire thanks to its typing, advantages against important Trainers, and ease of access. Don't think Electivire is weak though --- it's a capable Pokemon that happens to be worse than Magnezone. But in Black 2 and White 2, what isn't?

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3 votes

A physical sweeper with a variety of moves including thunder punch ice punch brick break and others. If you are gonna go physical go with this guy

A bulky special sweeper with a lot of resistances as well. His move pool can use both thunderbolt and flash cannon, two powerful STABS

So to get to the point
Electivire: A fast physical sweeper
Magnezone: A bulky special sweeper

3 votes


It probably has the best coverage in the world. Cross chop, wild charge, ice punch, earthquake, stone edge, etc. So much to chose. It patches up an electric weakness with motor drive and also gets a speed boost from it.


It can trap the plethora of defensive steel types with magnet pull. Then it can spam charge beam boosts and get amazing stats. Flying types can absorb its ground and fighting weakness and the flying type's rock, ice, and electric weaknesses all get blocked by magnezone.

they are both great but I would choose magnezone.

1 vote

Electivire's stats all together:540!
magnezones stats altogether:535enter image description here
enter image description here

Electivire has better stats so i'd choose him if you want a Pokemon that evolves quicker I suggest magnezone either way is what you choose

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Magnezone is definitely the better choice because of its high special attack stat. Electivire is an electric type with a high Attack stat. Now remember, electric type moves are special, so Magnezone is the better choice.
1 vote

Well, it depends on what you’re looking for. If you are looking for a good attacker that can sweep well, then I would choose Electivire.



HP - 75
ATK - 123
SP. ATK - 95
SPEED - 95
TOTAL - 540
As you can see, Electivire isn’t very good at defense, but is pretty good on normally attacking, although not so much special wise. Not to mention it’s FAST. Its not the fastest, but it is pretty fast. So if you want a fast physical sweep Pokémon, then choose this guy.
Now if you want something more DEFENSIVE and BULKIER, then Magnezone is your boy!!


Let’s take a look at Magnezone’s stats.

HP - 70
ATK - 70
SP. ATK - 130
SPEED - 60
TOTAL - 535
Okay, so UFO due can’t hit a good physical attack without some other assistance (which isn’t the point), but it is SOO good at defense, and it’s SP. ATK is really good. A tanky, SP. attack sweeper is what Magnezone is.
So that’s that. If you want A fast physical sweeper, get Electivire, but if you want a tank that can sweep slower but powerful, get Magnezone.

0 votes

Sorry for replying so late.. Don't forget Magnezone is an ELECTRIC type, and their status effect is PARALYSIS!! Magnezone is only a bit slow, but that problem can be easily covered using Thunder Wave.
As for the nature, a Calm or Modest nature Magnezone would be awesome. So you get great defences and super-cool special attack, also with a speed advantage after paralysis. Hence I'd prefer Magnezone over Electivire. For HP, you don't need to worry as it has high defences so it'll survive.
