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2 votes

After I register FC of someone and I have wi-fi connection, how can I trade this way?

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that makes no sence

2 Answers

8 votes
Best answer

That depends on what type of game you have. In either one, it allows you to trade or battle with registered friends who are not within standard connection area. You both need to be connected at the same time.

In Diamond/Pearl you talk to either of the ladies near the door and connect to WI-FI. If your friend is logged on, it will indicate as much. You can hit 'invite' and then 'trade' to trade. Your wanting to trade will be represented on your friend's secreen. If they accept, you can veiw their Pokemon and they can veiw yours and decide what to trade. You can only trade Pokemon in your party. Once you and your friend agree on pokemon, poof! You've traded.

In HG/SS you get into talk to the lady in normal clothes, access WI-FI the same way and then go up to the computer and hit 'trade'. On your friend's screen, you will start bouncing. If they hit you, it will say you want to trade. If they agree to trade with you, you can veiw their Pokemon and they can veiw yours and decide what to trade. You can only trade Pokemon in your party. Once you and your friend agree on pokemon, poof! You've traded.

I'm not sure for Platinum, but I expect it's one of the two.
Hope it helps.

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ok, thanks:)
0 votes

To trade with someone both of you must go to the Union Room which is also in the Pokemon Center (2nd Floor).
