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I was wondering...
Cubone wears the skull of his or hers mother. If there's more than 1 cubone on poke earth... Why do they all wear skulls? Is it some sort of cycle, where a marowak mother dies, and the cubone inherits her skull? And is the 'skull' actually marowaks head? ... Why doesn't cubone inherit his FATHERS head...?


3 Answers

3 votes

It's all up to fan interpretations. There are those who say that Cubone/Marowak are actually related to Kangaskhan; others say they are actually relatives of the Charmander family. It's all really speculative. I'd advise you to search the Interwebs and look up such theories, but in the end to remember...
...they're all theories.

If cubone was charmander, wouldn't he be dead since if char's flame is out he dies? But kangaskhan makes sense, being right next to them in the pokedex and that little baby in kang's pouch... Thanks for the good answer!
1 vote

It is a cannibalistic society. Cubone and Marowak wear the skulls of the rivals they eat. Cubone and Marowak are definitely the most demented Pokemon out there.

This should be canon.
0 votes

Okay, since another question similar to this was asked, I'll just copy-paste my answer here.

How could the Cubone possibly wear the skull if the skull is impossible to take off?

This one is actually quite simple, and is an example of animal decomposition. This takes place in 5 stages, named fresh, bloat, active decay, advanced decay, and remains. Let's go through this fun process! The first three stages have nothing to do with bone, but eat away at skin. By the fourth stage, the skull is revealed and Cubone puts it on its head. (since it's always at its mother's death) Due to the skull actually getting smaller in the fifth stage due to exposure, the Cubone cannot take it off, but it miraculously doesn't suffocate.

How could the Cubone possibly wear the skull if the mother is a Ditto?

Wild Cubone don't live in the same areas as Ditto. Cubone lives in mountains, while Ditto lives near people. This means they don't naturally breed, therefore making the mother always be a Marowak. If a Cubone's mother is Ditto, that means it either:
A) Wears a skull from a wild Marowak with no children to take it's skull
B) Wears a transformed Ditto's skull
C) Wears it's fathers skull
D) Obtains the skull through other means

How could the Cubone possibly wear the skull if the skull if the father is alive and well.

Same four options:
A) Wears a skull from a wild Marowak with no children to take it's skull
B) Wears a transformed Ditto's skull
C) Wears it's mother's skull (Assuming it actually had a mother and she is dead)
Obtains the skull through other means

Sources are in the above links.

Wut o_o