As of Generation 9

Normal: Brick Break
Fire: Stone Edge
Water: Thunder Punch
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Fly
Ice: Stone Edge
Fighting: Fly
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Ice Beam
Flying: Stone Edge
Psychic: Brutal Swing
Bug: Fly
Rock: Surf
Ghost: Brutal Swing
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Brick Break
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Iron Head

Normal: Brick Break
Fire: Stone Edge
Water: Thunder Punch
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Ice Punch
Ice: Stone Edge
Fighting: Aerial Ace
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Ice Punch
Flying: Ice Punch
Psychic: Brutal Swing
Bug: Stone Edge
Rock: Brick Break
Ghost: Brutal Swing
Dragon: Dragon Claw
Dark: Brick Break
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Iron Head

Normal: Brick Break
Fire: Stone Edge
Water: Thunder Fang
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Fly
Ice: Stone Edge
Fighting: Aerial Ace
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Aqua Tail
Flying: Stone Edge
Psychic: Crunch
Bug: Fly
Rock: Brick Break
Ghost: Crunch
Dragon: Dragon Claw
Dark: Brick Break
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Steel Wing

Normal: Brick Break
Fire: Rock Slide
Water: Thunder Punch
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Ice Punch
Ice: Rock Slide
Fighting: Aerial Ace
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Ice Punch
Flying: Thunder Punch
Psychic: Fury Cutter
Bug: Rock Slide
Rock: Brick Break
Ghost: Brutal Swing
Dragon: Ice Punch
Dark: Brick Break
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Iron Head

Normal: Brick Break
Fire: Surf
Water: Thunder Fang
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Fury Cutter
Ice: Stone Edge
Fighting: Aerial Ace
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Aqua Tail
Flying: Rock Slide
Psychic: Crunch
Bug: Aerial Ace
Rock: Earthquake
Ghost: Brutal Swing
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Fire Fang
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Iron Head

Normal: Focus Blast
Fire: Aqua Tail
Water: Thunder Fang
Electric: Earth Power
Grass: Fly
Ice: Rock Slide
Fighting: Acrobatics
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Ice Fang
Flying: Ice Fang
Psychic: U-Turn
Bug: Fire Fang
Rock: Bulldoze
Ghost: Dark Pulse
Dragon: Dragon Pulse
Dark: Superpower
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Flash Cannon

Normal: Body Press
Fire: Aqua Tail
Water: Thunderbolt
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Sludge Wave
Ice: Fire Punch
Fighting: None
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Blizzard
Flying: Shock Wave
Psychic: Skitter Smack
Bug: Fire Punch
Rock: Bulldoze
Ghost: Brutal Swing
Dragon: Draco Meteor
Dark: Superpower
Steel: Focus Blast
Fairy: Iron Tail

Normal: Aura Sphere
Fire: Rock Slide
Water: Thunder Punch
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Aerial Ace
Ice: Fire Punch
Fighting: Aerial Ace
Poison: Stomping Tantrum
Ground: Ice Punch
Flying: Ice Punch
Psychic: X-Scissor
Bug: Rock Tomb
Rock: Drain Punch
Ghost: Brutal Swing
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Superpower
Steel: Earthquake
Fairy: Flash Cannon

Normal: None
Fire: Hydro Pump
Water: Solar Beam
Electric: None
Grass: Fly
Ice: Fire Blast
Fighting: Acrobatics
Poison: Psychic Fangs
Ground: Dive
Flying: Thunderbolt
Psychic: Shadow Ball
Bug: Flamethrower
Rock: Drain Punch
Ghost: Phantom Force
Dragon: Dragon Claw
Dark: U-Turn
Steel: Fire Blast
Fairy: Steel Wing
Hisuian Goodra

Normal: Rock Smash
Fire: Water Pulse
Water: Thunderbolt
Electric: Bulldoze
Grass: Sludge Bomb
Ice: Flamethrower
Fighting: None
Poison: Bulldoze
Ground: Ice Beam
Flying: Thunder Punch
Psychic: Knock Off
Bug: Fire Punch
Rock: Hydro Pump
Ghost: Knock Off
Dragon: Dragon Pulse
Dark: Rock Smash
Steel: Flamethrower
Fairy: Iron Head

Normal: Brick Break
Fire: Aqua Tail
Water: Thunder Fang
Electric: Earthquake
Grass: Icicle Crash
Ice: Brick Break
Fighting: Aerial Ace
Poison: Earthquake
Ground: Aqua Tail
Flying: Icicle Crash
Psychic: Crunch
Bug: Aerial Ace
Rock: Aqua Tail
Ghost: Crunch
Dragon: Glaive Rush
Dark: Body Press
Steel: Body Press
Fairy: Iron Head
Overall, Dragapult and Goodra (both forms) are the only psuedo-legendary to not be able to cover all types, Normal and Electric for Dragapult and Fighting for Goodra and Hisuian Goodra.