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Basically, should my Snivy learn Leech Seed? It says it drains 1/8th of the targets health points but how much is this? Does it drain more health points from a water-type that it is at an advantage against? Or does it always drain the same amount of health points from the target?
Also, is this move effective throughout the whole of White Version?

Please explain in as much detail as possible

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1 Answer

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Best answer

So when it says it drains 1/8 of your HP it bassically means that if you had a total of 80HP it would drain 10HP per turn. It is in my opinion a very good move to use. With Serperior's good defenses it can use Leech Seed set-up with a move and then sweep. I particularly enjoy doing this against the E4 and gym leaders.

And no it doesn't have a higher affect on Pokemon who are weak to grass.

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Thanks for a great answer! I have up-voted it :)
No problem URR