I was wondering if this would work in a triple battle:
I have Rattata, Reuniclus and Gigalith, in that order. My rattata is level 1 and is not EV trained. It knows Quick Attack, Protect, and Endeavor and holds a Shell Bell. My Gigalith's ability is Sturdy and my Reuniclus knows the move Skill Swap and has Max Speed and holds an item that increases speed. First, Reuniclus uses Skill Swap on Gigalith, Gigalith does whatever and Rattata uses Protect, because it is very vulnerable. Next, Reuniclus uses Skill Swap on Rattata, so now it has Sturdy, Gigalith does whatever, and Rattata uses Endeavor. Since Rattata is an easy target, it is most likely to be attacked. Reuniclus attacks the Pokémon in the middle, and Gigalith does whatever. Rattata probably got attacked and has 1 HP. It's Endeavor leaves the Target with 1 HP left and Shell Bell restores it HP, most likely all of it. On the next turn, it uses quick attack to knock out the target. Would this strategy work? If not, how could I improve it? It can be any Pokemon with Skill Swap and Sturdy.