Gengar @ Choice Specs

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Wielding the power of lost wandering souls, it is only normal that Gengar is a feared presence in OU. Once it's decides to reveal itself, things get broken and not only materialistic objects. Focus Blast is that specific move that cuts the lifespan of many Pokemon in the OU tier very short. Especially if you can't resist it . There is nothing such as a living Tyranitar after one Focus Blast. A little STAB there and a little there...that is why we have Shadow Ball. Anything that doesn't resist or is faster then Gengar will see the eternal light once struck by Shadow Ball. If you didn't die the first will the second. Thunderbolt is just for a little coverage that will be knocking a lot of Pokemon out of the sky and perhaps evaporate all aquatic beings. Everything that doesn't resist or is immune to electric type attacks will be taking some noticeable damage. That said, not many Pokemon can switch into a rampaging Gengar. Dragons are fun to use but a pain to face, so is Landorus. Hidden Power Ice those sorrymonz. Coupled with Gengar's beautiful special attack and that nice base power after a Choice Specs boost, Gengar is already playing the role of the yet to come fairies in making life sore for Dragon types.
Hydreigon @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Levitate
EVs:4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Surf
- Focus Blast
It's looks is not the only scary thing about Hydreigon but that special attack is a monstrosity. With a decent speed stat and a choice scarf slapped on to it, Hydreigon can be an incredibly dangerous Pokemon to face. With a STAB Draco Meteor many Pokemon will fall. KOing every dragon in OU, it is only normal that Hydreigon is a top OU threat. A Dragon that enjoys sun like no other...and for a good reason. Fire Blast will obliterate every unresisting Pokemon as well as cut Scizor's lifespan really short. Most Steel, bug and grass types will soon be silenced when every head starts to fire of some powerful fiery blasts. Surf is just for some coverage and will enable it to become a threat in Rain as well as a Rain boosted surf will hurt.....a lot as well as make quick work of Landorus-T. Focus Blast is just a move you must have when you have access to it. That incredible power and it's ability to cover so many threatening types will bring you far, especially when a Pokemon such as Hydreigon is firing it of
Reuniclus @ Life Orb

Trait: Magic Guard
EVs:192 HP / 64 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Fire
Reuniclus is one extremely powerful special attacker. Though it is a rare sight in OU nowadays, once it appears, you know how it got into the OU tier for it's offensive and defensive presence are stunning. Trick Room is just to switch the luck over to your side as it will now be fast enough to outspeed almost everything in the OU tier and hit with incredibly powerful moves. Psychic is not often seen again in OU since Psyshock came. Though don't let psyshock push Psychic aside as it will enable you to hit physical walls interestingly hard. Gliscor will not be able to stall Reuniclus out of the Twisted Dimensions as easy as it could. You had to see this coming , Focus Blast is that specific move that will grant you some coverage against the dangerous Dark Types and specifically the omnipresent Tyranitar that is an incredible threat to Reuniclus. Hidden Power Fire is just for that extra bit of coverage and also to end Scizor and Ferrothorn's reign. And as much as I hate to say, Jirachi without a Calm Mind boost will eventually fall to Hidden Power Fire