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See here for more detailed locations, but here are the routes they're found on:


TM01 Hone Claws Route 5
TM02 Dragon Claw Victory Road
TM03 Psyshock Victory Road
TM04 Calm Mind Anistar City Gym
TM05 Roar Battle Maison Prize
TM06 Toxic Route 14
TM07 Hail Shalour City PokéMart
TM08 Bulk Up Snowbelle City
TM09 Venoshock Route 6
TM10 Hidden Power Anistar City
TM11 Sunny Day Lumiose City PokéMart
TM12 Taunt Lysandre Labs
TM13 Ice Beam Snowbelle City Gym
TM14 Blizzard Anistar City Poké Mart
TM15 Hyper Beam Anistar City Poké Mart
TM16 Light Screen Kiloude City PokéMart
TM17 Protect Parfum Palace
TM18 Rain Dance Lumiose City PokéMart
TM19 Roost Route 8
TM20 Safeguard Shalour City PokéMart
TM21 Frustration Cyllage City
TM22 Solar Beam Route 21
TM23 Smack Down Battle Maison Prize
TM24 Thunderbolt Lumiose City Gym
TM25 Thunder Anistar City PokéMart
TM26 Earthquake Route 22
TM27 Return Route 4
TM28 Dig Shalour City PokéMart
TM29 Psychic Pokémon Village
TM30 Shadow Ball Terminus Cave
TM31 Brick Break Terminus Cave
TM32 Double Team Anistar City Pokémon Center (9am)
TM33 Reflect Kiloude City PokéMart
TM34 Sludge Wave Battle Maison Prize
TM35 Flamethrower Anistar City Pokémon Center
TM36 Sludge Bomb Route 19
TM37 Sandstorm Shalour City PokéMart
TM38 Fire Blast Anistar City Poké Mart
TM39 Rock Tomb Cyllage City Gym
TM40 Aerial Ace Connecting Cave
TM41 Torment Laverre City
TM42 Facade Dendimelle Town
TM43 Flame Charge Kalos Power Plant
TM44 Rest Cyllage City
TM45 Attract Route 12
TM46 Thief Camphier Town
TM47 Low Sweep Tower of Mastery
TM48 Round Battle Maison Prize
TM49 Echoed Voice Lumiose City North Boulevard - Hotel Richisseme
TM50 Overheat Kiloude City Poké Mart
TM51 Steel Wing Battle Maison Prize
TM52 Focus Blast Anistar City Poké Mart
TM53 Energy Ball Route 20
TM54 False Swipe Lumiose City
TM55 Scald Couriway Town
TM56 Fling Lost Hotel
TM57 Charge Beam Route 13
TM58 Sky Drop Kiloude City
TM59 Incinerate Battle Maison Prize
TM60 Quash Battle Maison Prize
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Route 14
TM62 Acrobatics Courmaline City
TM63 Embargo Courmaline City
TM64 Explosion Battle Maison Prize
TM65 Shadow Claw Glittering Cave
TM66 Payback Geosenge Town
TM67 Retaliate Battle Maison Prize
TM68 Giga Impact Kiloude City PokéMart
TM69 Rock Polish Route 11
TM70 Flash Reflection Cave
TM71 Stone Edge Frost Cavern
TM72 Volt Switch Battle Maison Prize
TM73 Thunder Wave Route 10
TM74 Gyro Ball Reflection Cave
TM75 Swords Dance Lumiose City PokéMart
TM76 Struggle Bug Lumiose City PokéMart
TM77 Psych Up Anistar City PokéMart 7pm
TM78 Bulldoze Lumiose City PokéMart
TM79 Frost Breath Frost Cavern
TM80 Rock Slide Couriway Town
TM81 X-Scissor Azure Bay
TM82 Dragon Tail Lumiose City Museum
TM83 Infestation Santalune City Gym
TM84 Poison Jab Shalour City PokéMart
TM85 Dream Eater Battle Maison Prize
TM86 Grass Knot Courmaline City Gym
TM87 Swagger Battle Maison Prize
TM88 Sleep Talk Random hotel
TM89 U-turn Couriway Town
TM90 Substitute Anistar City Pokémon Center
TM91 Flash Cannon Kiloude City
TM92 Trick Room Courmaline City
TM93 Wild Charge Kiloude City PokéMart
TM94 Rock Smash Ambrette Town
TM95 Snarl Lost Hotel
TM96 Nature Power Ambrette Town Hotel
TM97 Dark Pulse Route 15
TM98 Power-Up Punch Shalour City Gym
TM99 Dazzling Gleam Laverre City Gym
TM100 Confide Courmaline City

HM01 Cut Parfum Palace - In Maze
HM02 Fly Courmaline City - From Professor Sycamore
HM03 Surf Shalour City - From Calem/Serena
HM04 Strength Cyllage City - From Grant
HM05 Waterfall Route 19 - From Shauna

Sorry it looks so messy. By the time I reached the end, I couldn't be bothered formatting it to look nice.

edited by
I know this is a bit late but could you write the locations down here? It would certainly make it easier to read than serebiis page.
OK, I'll copy them in. But just remember if there are any errors in the list, then they are Serebii's not mine, because I have not gone through the game and checked all of their locations.