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Generation V
- Entree Forest (through Global Link or Dream World; now defunct)
- Dream Radar
- Hidden Grottoes

Generation VI
- Horde Encounters (occasionally)
- Friend Safari (1 in 3 if the Safari's owner is a Friend in the PSS)
- DexNav Hidden Pokemon (starting at 5% chance at a search level of 10)
- Pokemon transferred from Virtual Console games will be given their Hidden Abilities

Generation VII
- SOS Battles (starting at 5% chance at a chain of 10)
- Pokemon transferred from Virtual Console games will be given their Hidden Abilities

Generation VIII
- Max Raid Battles (occasionally)
- Using an Ability Patch
- Poke Radar (vigorously shaking grass patches)

Generation IX
- Tera Raid Battles (occasionally)
- Using an Ability Patch

Specific Pokemon
- (BW) Static Darmanitan in Desert Resort
- (BW) Static Musharna in Dreamyard on Fridays
- (BW2) N's Darmanitan in the Desert Resort
- (B2) Route 4's Braviary and Undella Bay's Jellicent on Mondays
- (W2) Route 4's Mandibuzz and Undella Bay's Jellicent on Thursdays
- (BW2) Gift Deerling on Route 6
- (BW2) Amanita's Eevee in Castelia City
- (BW2) Everything that Yancy or Curtis can trade
- (ORAS) Kecleon in Mossdeep City
- (US) Totem-sized Gumshoos, Alolan Marowak, and Ribombee
- (UM) Totem-sized Alolan Raticate, Togedemaru, and Kommo-o
- (SwSh) All the Diglett Trainer's gifts except Alolan Raichu
- (SwSh) Porygon at the Master Dojo
- (SwSh) Spiritomb at Ballimere Lake
- (BDSP) All legendaries in Ramanas Park
- (SV) Titan Bombirdier

Hidden Abilities may also be passed down via breeding. In Black and White, breeding a female Pokemon with a male (but not Ditto) yields a 60% chance of the offspring having the female's Hidden Ability; this changes to 80% in Black 2 and White 2. Starting in Generation VI, a female or any Pokemon bred with Ditto has a 60% chance of passing on their Hidden Ability.

Hidden Abilities (Bulbapedia)

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Generation V
-Hidden Grottos
-Dream World
-Pokemon Dream Radar
-Zen Mode Darmanitan available in-game in BW (outside Relic Castle)

Generation VI
-Hoard encounters
-Friend Safari

Sometimes events will also give out Pokemon with their hidden abilities, like the Speed Boost Torchic available right now.

Bulbapedia - Ability
