PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Stones may be purchase in the Stone Emporium in Lumiose City. To get there quickly, take a cab and find this option. You can buy them for 2100 dollars or whatever the stupid currency is called.

In Super Training, you can play 3 games to obtain the stones by scoring the top score.

Score a Top Score in The Leaf Stone Cup Begins to get - Leaf Stone
Score a Top Score in The Fire Stone Cup Begins to get- Fire Stone
Score a Top Score in The Water Stone Cup Begins to get- Water Stone

Pretty easy to remember that.

Finally, there are spots that you can find these in:

Leaf Stone- Route 8
Fire Stone- Route 9
Water Stone- Route 8 and Route 12


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They are all purchasable from the Stone Emporium in Lumiose City. Use a cab if you don't know where that is. All stones can also be won from Secret Super Training as well.

Source: Experience
