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So, right now I'm currently running this set for my Mienshao and I find it pretty efficient to use.

Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
- Poison Jab

The only question I have is stated in the title, is it worth it to use Adamant over Jolly?

I chose Jolly originally because it ensures it to outspeed other Pokemon that are not choice scarfed or using priority moves. However, with a couple of bulky Pokemon (especially some fairy types), I end up being unable to 1-hit-ko and sometimes it ends up with my Mienshao being dropped just like that.

So, is it worth it just to get a 10% boost in attack and lose the 10% boost in speed?


2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Actually I say that Jolly > Adamant.

Dropping a Jolly Nature for an Adamant means that your speed after scarf is a tamer 464. This means any scarfers above base 91 speed will outspeed you scarfers like Scarf Genesect, Zoroark and Salamence you would normally outspeed with a Jolly Nature.

In regards to the extra power Adamant gives I don't think it would be enough to secure you crucial OHKOs - generally the amount the opponent survives with would have to be like 10% or lower for the Adamant Nature to have secured the OHKO.

>252 Atk Mienshao Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Sylveon: 240-284 (60.9 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Mienshao Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Sylveon: 264-312 (67 - 79.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Mienshao Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Florges: 232-274 (64.4 - 76.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Mienshao Poison Jab vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Florges: 254-300 (70.5 - 83.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

^Some of the bulkiest fairies out there. The damage difference doesn't do much.

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Ah...that isn't much difference. I thought 10% would help, but I guess not. I'll keep the Jolly Mienshao, thanks.
0 votes

If you're scarfed, give it an Adamant nature. Adamant is the superior choice because choice scarf lacks the extra power of life orb or swords dance, and scarfed Mienshao is out speeding almost everything regardless of nature.
