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If ditto has limber and gligar(M) has immunity what's the percentage immunity will get passed down? And what's the probability if ditto has imposter? Is it sure to pass down HA if both Pokemon have their HA? Because I bred a imposter ditto with poison gal gliscor and every gligar had immunity... But when bred with limber the abilities were different.. So is there a percentage of this happening?


3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Breeding a Ditto with it's Normal Ability Limber with a Gligar with it's Hidden Ability Immunity

At the moment the exact percentage has not been announced for a Male or Female Pokémon to pass down it's Hidden Ability to it's offspring when bred with a Ditto. As in Generation V Male Pokémon could not pass down their Hidden Ability to their offspring, and Females could not pass down their Hidden Ability when bred with a Ditto.

Hidden Abilities cannot be passed down from male or genderless Pokémon, and will not be passed down if the female was paired with a Ditto

Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3A9mon_breeding#Inheriting_Abilities

As of Pokémon X & Y, there is the possibility of passing these Hidden Abilities without the use of a female Pokémon. If you have a male Pokémon with its Hidden Ability, and breed it with a Ditto, the Pokémon has a chance of having its Hidden Ability.

Source: http://www.serebii.net/games/breed.shtml

Breeding a Ditto with it's Hidden Ability Imposter with a Gligar with it's Normal Ability Hyper Cutter/Sand Veil

The chance of hatching a Gligar from an Egg with it's Hidden Ability in this situation is 0%. Whether Ditto has it's Hidden Ability or not, Ditto's Ability is irrelevant to the inheritance so to get a Gligar with it's Hidden Ability you need to breed a Gligar/Gliscor with it's Hidden Ability, when breeding with a Ditto.

In Generation VI, any Pokémon, including male and genderless Pokémon, can pass down their Hidden Ability when bred with Ditto. Ditto's Ability is irrelevant to inheritance.

Breeding a Ditto with it's Hidden Ability Imposter with a Gligar with it's Hidden Ability Immunity

Well since Ditto's Ability is irrelevant it will be the same chance as the first answer.

I'll update this if I find the answer to the first question has been announced.

Hope I helped :)

edited by
1 vote

The ability the newely hatched Pokemon gets is usually 50/50 if there's 2 abilities to choose from.

>If the mother has a Hidden Ability, the ability will have an 80% chance of being passed down to the child. Male or unknown gender Pokemon have a small chance of passing down the Hidden Ability, but the Females still have a higher chance.

Source:IGN Breeding guide

Thnx but it isn't the answer that I need...
0 votes

JackZero answered your Question but I will help with your Gligar Q.

This is what Bulbapedia says

In Generation V, female Pokémon with Hidden Abilities have a 60% chance of passing on the Hidden Ability to their offspring when bred with a male Pokémon from the same Egg Group. For example, if a female Darmanitan with Zen Modebreeds with a male Simisage, the offspring Darumaka may have Inner Focusinstead of the usual Hustle, and would evolve into a Darmanitan with Zen Mode (instead of Sheer Force). Hidden Abilities cannot be passed down from male or genderless Pokémon, and will not be passed down if the female was paired with aDitto.In Generation VI, any Pokémon, including male and genderless Pokémon, can pass down their Hidden Ability when bred with Ditto. Ditto's Ability is irrelevant to inheritance.

So it could be that you had bad luck or something or that you could possibly get a Female Gligar with Poison Heal and breed with your Male one.

Hope I helped your question a little more

Source Bulbapedia and Experience
