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I'm going for breed my crab Pokémon, Kingler have the best stats but Crawdaunt best moves.

What is the better choice?

Crawdaunt. You should never ever use kingler outside of NU

1 Answer

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Compared to Crawdaunt, Kingler is a baby crab. Why?

1. Crawdaunt is stronger
Lol no, Kingler's attack is 130, Crawdaunt is 120.
The secret ingredient lies in Crawdaunt's ability, Adaptability. This DOUBLES the power of moves that recieve STAB instead of the normal 1.5x, making Crawdaunt's offensive prowess surpass that of Kinglers.
2. Crawdaunt has a better movepool
Kingler uses Return and X-Scissor as coverage. Stuff like that apart from it's water STAB.
Guess what Crawdaunt gets.
Crunch and Superpower mate. Waaay better than Kingler.
3. Crawdaunt is a superior special and mixed attacker as well
Crawdaunt as a special Pokemon is somewhat viable, with Adaptability gives it some serious firepower when coupled with Life Orb and STAB Moves.
4. Set up moves
Agility and Swords Dance as pretty decent set up moves for Kingler, and Crawdaunt gets Dragon Dance and Swords Dance. Tbh Dragon Dance is probably better, since it boosts speed and attack at the same time, allowing you to go on the offensive straight away after a turn with Crawdaunt's sky high attack and ability.

5. Hexy uses Crawdaunt
6. Io likes Kingler, so it's definitely bad
^ Dw about those two reasons if you don't get it, others will :>

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(5. Hexy uses Crawdaunt
6. Io likes Kingler, so it's definitely bad)
Never laughed so hard  :P
Thanks, guessing I'm going with Crawdaunt.

What about this moveset?

Adaptability / Adamant / Life Orb
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def
- Dragon Dance
- Aqua Jet
- Knock Off
- Crabhammer
Knock off > Crunch :> And it gets Crabhammer too so gg.
Srsly. Ihu Sempi ;~;
Guess what Crawdaunt gets.
Crunch and Superpower mate. Waaay better than Kingler.

Should I tell you that Kingler DOES get Superpower, or leave you to your misery? Also, Crunch would be fun w/ Sheer Force, but Kingler gets Knock Off :D Sheer Force Rock Slide is a coverage move you forgot to mention <;
I must bow to the superior crustacean however <;
But hopefully, Crawdaunt will be the reason Kingler gets a Mega (Hope is wonderful :P)