I'm doing my new competitive team and I'm having a lot of work with IVs.
I'm currently doing tests with a Heracross, I caught one in a Friend Safari with IV: Atk, Def and I'm trying to get an egg with at least 4IVs, I'm using a Jolly Ditto with IV Spe, S.Def. After more than 20 eggs I finally got a Heracros with 3 IV: Atk, Def, Spe Jolly.
I used:
Female Moxie Heracross IV: Atk, Def + Jolly Ditto IV: Spe, S.Def
I did both way, Heracros with Destiny Knot + Ditto with Everstone and Heracross with Everstone and Ditto with Destiny Knot.
Is taking too long, most of the time is coming with Heracros IV: Atk, Def
Is there a faster way to get perfect IVs?