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Are all NPC Pokemon nature, EVs and Ivs all the same in every game ?

For Example would my Rival's Ferailgatr's Nature and Ivs be the same as my previous game or are they different ?

only E4 have EV's on their pokemon

1 Answer

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Best answer

>They will have natures and IVs because that's an integral part of the Pokemon data. The IVs are probably mediocre to avoid the game being too difficult.
However, Joey's Rattata in HG/SS and earlier games is specifically programmed to have near-perfect IVs. Hence he always says it's in "the top percentage of Rattatas".
Most of the regular trainers don't have EVs though, they act like "just caught" Pokemon. I believe some of the more difficult trainers like the Elite Four do have some EVs to make it more difficult. And by that time in the game all your Pokemon should have naturally acquired all their EVs.

The bottom part means yes, because they keep it as if they are "recently caught" instead of fully EV Trained.

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Oh okay thanks
But if I let my rivals feralgtr kill my party of 5 bidoofs wouldn't it gain 1 stat forHP ?
Or 5 staravias for speed evs
Yes technically it would gain EVs, but the game will not treat it as it would because of what's said in the answer. Also you won't see the HP change in battle if that's what you're wondering.
testing moons account D; for her lost username
Cool thanks
NPCs pokemon won't gain evs at all, because they're like wild pokemon, which don't gain evs either.