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is there any Pokemon that can learn a quiver dance and baton pass. if not quiver dance then another move that can boost attack and speed. plz name a lot of choices


3 Answers

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As of Generation IX:

/nds quiver dance, baton pass, all:
Bellossom, Butterfree, Cutiefly, Masquerain, Oricorio, Ribombee, Smeargle, Venomoth

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3 votes

Seeing as Venomoth isn't the only Pokemon that can lean those moves, I will post this.
Masquerain, Smeargle, and Venomoth can all learn those two moves.

Source: /dexsearch command on PS.
Hope I helped.

This is the correct answer.
0 votes

Venomoth is the only Pokemon able to learn Quiver Dance and Baton Pass.

EDIT:For a better answer improvement, Ancient Power boost ALL stats. So Attack and Speed are boosted, and Baton Pass+Ancient Power can be learned by Mew, Togepi Family Line, Celebi, and Mawile. Ominous Wind boost all stats too. It can be learned with Baton Pass too with the Drifloon Family Line. Other Attack and Speed boosting moves cannot be learned with Baton Pass by any Pokemon, besides Smeargle.

Venomoth DB Link

               [Serebii Venomoth ][2]

Venomoth Bulbapedia Page
