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I love the move Draco meteor but it lowers since. Atk alot . Does it lower it for good or just in that battle.

it lowers sp. att
I used to think this too xD

2 Answers

2 votes

It only lowers it for the battle. After the battle, it gets recovered

Your stat changes also get reset if you switch out the Pokemon.
commented 9 minutes ago by Crimson1


Source: Experience

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Your stat changes also get reset if you switch out the pokemon.
Thanks alot that's what I needed to know
2 votes

These are the ways:

  • using a stat boosting move to cancel each out
  • Switch out
  • What -[Protean~Froakie]- said,It will last until the end of the battle
  • If the opponent use clear smog
  • If you use Haze
  • If you use psych up
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Psych Up.
Also if the opponent/partner uses Topsy-Turvy on the lowered pokemon, in which casi -1 becomes +1 instead