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Every-time I attempt to open poke bank and error code comes up after I sign in. The error code is 600-0303 and it also says "unable to connect to server". I have tried opening it multiple times but it hasn't worked. Please help?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Error Code: 600-0303

The Nintendo 3DS is unable to connect to an Access Point. What to do will depend on where you are connecting from: A Hotspot or a Wireless Network.

Connecting from a wireless home network:
Make sure that the Nintendo 3DS system is within 30 feet of the wireless access point and facing in its general direction. Make sure that any other interfering devices, such as microwaves and cordless phones, are turned off.

Connecting from a Hotspot
Ensure the Hotspot location does not require an internet browser to setup an account, accept a use agreement, or enter a password before accessing their Wi-Fi service. If the location requires any of these items, you will not be able to connect to the internet with your Nintendo 3DS system. Make sure that the Nintendo 3DS system is within 30 feet of the wireless access point and facing in its general direction. Signal strength can vary, depending on where the access point's signal is coming from. (Please do not sit or stand in places that will interfere with the location's customers or staff.) Orient the Nintendo 3DS so that your body or other objects (such as walls, plants, furniture, and other people) are not blocking the signal. Also, make sure there is no interference from wireless phones (cell phones are okay). If the connection continues to fail, this Hotspot may have their router set up in a manner that is not compatible with the system. We recommend trying a different location.

Essentially, you do not have a stable internet connection with your router.

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o.o Idk why it didn't give me results when I looked for this.
*hides answer* >_>